Friday, January 13, 2012

Dem-Dem's bad day...

Anyone else had a bad day? Well, mine kinda sucked. First of all, I have to take integrated concepts instead of getting to take art or work in the library. Then at the end of school, some kid walks up to me and I was just thinking 'What does he want?' then he says that my boyfriend doesn't think that it's going to work out. He seriously had someone else tell me that!? I can't believe that he didn't have the guts to tell me that himself! But whatever. Just what-freakin-ever. To tell you the truth, I like being single!

Fly on, (even if you can't fly)

Demy Nom

1 comment:

  1. Join the singles club Demy! Its fun! Dudes suck ********!!!(insert choice word)


    dude...I had to erase half this comment for fear of being reported.
