Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey guys, Crystal Poppin here with some big news. I met a really cute guy Sunday, and I get to met him again tomorrow. I really hope I can muster up the courage to talk to him. I'm just shy and don't like starting the conversations. If he would talk to me, I would be fine, but since he is even more shy than me, I'm gonna have to try to start conversation. On to why the title says temper. My temperament has been very... Aggressive lately. Ive been wanting to fight a lot. Ask anyone I've talked to today! I keep pushing and shoving and being like YOU WANNA GO!!!!! DO YA!!!! BRING IT!!!!! it's a bad deal. I need to work on that. Lol, anyways. To talk more about the guy, he is a year younger than me, but he's two feet taller than me. We played basketball, and surprisingly, I kicked his butt! It was so funny too! He would be far back and try to shoot, and he would throw it over the whole thing. It was funny.

Saturday was a fun day. I went to meg's church and had a blast. Although, I thought my lungs were going to explode afterward. We played line tag and we ran for a while. Meg almost made it, but I made it down to the final two, so I got to be the tagger and that was torture. Just get down running to run some more! Needless to say, I endured it and tagged people. Meg and I made a pact at the beginning of the game saying we wouldn't tag each other... I broke the pact an tagged her soon after I became the tagger. I'll let Meg explain the rest I'd the night. Lol, so fun. I's gots to go now. Ta ta for now!

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