Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Welp, whilst Meg discovered Noah Wyle, I discovered Leonardo DiCaprio.... That is one hot piece of man... And I know I'm a little late to be discovering how hot he is. Shut up. I never watched Titanic, so I never knew....

Alrighty. On a totally different note, let me say one thing.
My mom's shower is DISGUSTING.
I had to go get some shampoo and conditioner from her shower because I had run out, and... BLEGH!!!!
Don't believe me that it's nasty?
There's a mushroom growing right outside of it. A big ol freakin mushroom. And there's mold in it. How all of this came about, I'm not sure.

And along the lines of my bat-sh!t crazy mother, she almost grounded me earlier. Because I wasn't mopping correctly.
I kid you not.
She has this mopping stick or whatever that you put these pads on the bottom and you're supposed to be able to mop with them. I'll start out by saying that these pads we put on there were barely wet at all. You had to press the mop down very hard on the floor to even get anything done. Anyway, she handed the mop to me and I started (attempting) to mop. It wasn't long before the pad was dry and I needed a new one, so I started walking back towards the kitchen to get it. Then my mom kinda looked at me like I had just killed a cat on the rug, then she proceeded to yell at me and told me to give her my phone.
I obviously avoided that, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.
She was reasonable enough to find a new mop, and then I got to work, and escaped with my phone.
I've had a fun night...

School was interesting as well.

Remind me to castrate Christine for giving Matt all of our blog information!!!! I thought we had made an unspoken vow to keep the boys from reading the blog!! Ggrrraaaaahhhh!!!

Deep breaths, Demy....

So. In freshmen seminar I walked in to find that someone had hacked into Josh's computer and changed his wallpaper. To Hitler. Josh is Jewish, by the way. He was really upset and I felt so bad and freaking angry. I wanted to stab someone...

Speaking of Hitler, I'm not to happy with Mrs. Adams right now. (Wow. That could be taken totally different than what I mean...) I'm sorry, woman, but I'm not too crazy about the whole 'Hail Hitler' thing. I understand the symbolism but good grief...

So there's my school day.

After the whole getting home malfunction, I was finally let into the house and I happily ate some Chinese food. And then my mom told us to help clean the house. My sister dodged the bullet by saying that she needed to read part of a book for youth tonight at church. I needed to do the same, so I went upstairs and got to readin. I actually had fun. The book is amazing. It's called not a fan. by... Kyle...something...I think... Idk. But it's very funny and informative.
The dude quoted the Princess Bride. I think I'm in love. Just kidding. It was awesome though. He was like, "To quote Inigo Montoya. . ." And I like died.
He also put something in Klingon. Like, legit.
But it's very informative and it's AMAZIIINNNGGG!

And there's this really creepy noise that I hear and I'm pretty sure it's coming from my closet... Maybe it's my buddy Slender. I love him :3 He scares the pi$$ outta me, but I love him... He just wants a hug.

Alright. The noise stopped-- NO IT'S BACK AHHHHHHH!!!
Ok. I think it's done.

Hey, guess what. My sister and her boyfriend are fighting. Again. I seriously don't know what he sees in her. If I were him I would've dumped her whiny @ss a LOOONG time ago. I feel bad for the guy.

Oh wait!! I never told you what happened in business concepts... So, Kaiden was texting Crys and he was holding his phone under the desk in his...private region. I tried to look and see what he was texting.
K- Why are you staring at my crotch??
Me- *lots of sarcasm* Because it's sexy!
K- *grins evilly* *unlocks phone and goes to text Crys*
Me- What are you doing? What are you texting her??
K- oh nothin~

Later, as we were walking to lunch

Crys- Why do you like my boyfriend's crotch...?
Me- I'm gonna kill him.

Later as I met up with Viktor

V- So what's this I hear about you looking at Kaiden's crotch?
Me- (THAT SON OF A 8!TCH!!!) Frick... I-uh- GRRRR...

It's all good now, though lol.
And I gave you gum Kaiden! Way to show your appreciation! And I didn't even shove my gum in your ear today!


I need to get Les Mis from the library... Soon...

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