Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hospital updates

As you all know, probably not because news people are idiots, my father was in a motorcycle accident Saturday and was airlifted to two different hospitals before flying him to an out of state hospital. He's doing better I guess. But they all lied! They made it out like it was mainly road rash! Hell no! Here's what's really wrong: (warning, MIGHT BE DISTURBING!!!) Road rash all down his right side where he slid, cracked skull from initial impact to the ground, fractured face(sounds weird but true), all his teeth are either broke/gone from what we think happened when he hit the truck we think HE himself hit the truck, very swollen, very very bruised, broken wrist, and(God already crying) possible blindness in his right eye. My g-ma says that's what the doctor said but the nurse said no. I just don't know about that last part. I hope to God he isn't blind. That would mean: no more hunting, no more fishing, no more playing catch with me, no more anything... God, life would be terrible... I know I sound like I'm being selfish, but he really likes those things too. I just need, I'm begging you, pray for him. Pray that he gets a fast recovery. Pray that nothing leave too bog a challenge for him. Pray that he's still the same dad I know and love. I went to see him and, he barley even opened his eyes. It made me want to cry, but I had to wait til I got back home. To the private of my room. I had to be strong, so he wouldn't see/hear me, so my g-ma wouldn't see me, so my sis wouldn't see me, so my mom wouldn't see me. I just wish they would fix him! I want him to come home! I wish it would have never even fucking happened! Meg, I know you say everything happens for a reason, and I used to believe it, but after this, I don't even know. There is no reason this should have happened. I know I wanted to be a doctor, but this is not how I wanted to learn the terminology, or the medicine. I just... Why cant I have a good life like everyone else.

Crystal Poppin

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