Thursday, October 25, 2012


This be Crystal Poppin and im now sad. Kaiden informed me he won't be at school tomorrow. I miss him already. He's like, the biggest reason I go to school. Other than Meg and my need for an education. I think I might fake being sick. I mean, I really do feel like crap, but it's probably just allergies. And all I have is tests tomorrow. No big deal. Maybe my mom will let me. I'm seriously thinking about it. It's Friday man! She's gotta let me skip once and a while! I haven't actually skipped since March. She pulled me outta school and took me shopping. Just because she could. Anyway, finished Demy's game 2/3 of the way. So, I have until Thursday in next week to completely finish it. So, I'm gonna go. Love you and miss you Kaiden.

Your emotional Crystal Poppin

1 comment:

  1. Babe, I love you, but do you have any idea of how freaking annoying you are? I'm going to laugh when second semester comes around, my grade is higher than a B, and I get exempt from final exams and you have to go. You miss one day, all your classes have to be higher than a 92, miss two, and you grade has to be even higher....
