Saturday, October 20, 2012


Okay, my jasper and ness story was supposed to be a one-shot, but I had a few reviews asking for a follow up, and I guess now it's a story. Derp. Anyway, here it is!


I don't know why I was chasing after Renesmee, or why she had run away screaming while she and her father were hunting, I just knew that somehow, Renesme had gone AWOL, and somehow, I had ended up in the search party.
It had been a week since Renesmee had wrapped her arms around me wearing nothing but a sheet, her bronze curls tickling my face, and I hadn't spoken to her since. The sun was setting, and in a moment I knew where she was. Launching my self into the treetops, I bounced until I saw her sniffling form sitting precariously on the edge of the cliff. The same one where she had pressed her lips onto mine.
"Stop it," I hissed to myself. Thinking like that had only gotten me into trouble. It was her power, remember, that made her be lovable. Attractive. Sexual.
I scaled down the tree in a matter of seconds, dropping softly onto the damp earth. She turned as she felt it, and saw me, her brown eyes wide and innocent. Innocent my ass.
"How did you know I was here?" she asked.
"Because you're predictable."
"No I'm not!" she said, but I was reciting it at the same time, mimicking her voice. She pouted at me.
"Nice try," I said, sitting next to her. She didn't take her eyes off me as I sat next to her.
"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked. I stared.
"This is my fault?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah!" she groaned, flipping a curl back. "I'm the teenage girl! I can't control my feelings! You're just so...beautiful..."
"Wait, my only fault is being attractive?" I hissed, she nodded frantically, as if it was obvious this was my fault.
I shook my head and stood. "I'm not dealing with this. Get up."
She sneered. "Why should I?"
"Now," I growled, yanking her by the elbow. She screamed as I dragged her through the forest, and bit at my arm while punching my sides. I laughed at her attempt to over power me, and yanked her harder.
"Ugh!"  She screamed. "Put me down! Right now!"
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? I'm just a player in your game, right? That's what you said the other night. Everything you expected happened. Well, you must've expected this, huh, honey?" I said.
She screamed again, and I saw Edward run into the clearing.
"This what you were lookin' for?" I asked, throwing her at him. She wailed as she flew through the air and into her father's arms.
"Thanks," he said to me, glaring at his daughter.
"What was that!" I heard him scream, and she yelled something at him about him being stupid, but I didn't listen. I was stalking toward the house, getting away from Renesmee Cullen, and just happy I finally had a point on my side of the board.


I slammed the door to my room.
"2 MONTHS!" I heard my mother scream.
"EFF YOU!" I yelled into my pillow, and I knew they heard. I turned on my music as loud as I could, playing my The Killers CD. I flipped open my diary and frantically started writing.

Dear Diary,
     Another day of hell has been survived as I return to the serenity of my room. I was grounded for two months-two!!-because I had a mental breakdown that wasn't my fault. Jasper and Alice are renewing their wedding vows this year. Dad told me so while we were hunting. I could help crying, and Dad asked me why and...well, it all went down hill from there. Ever since that day when I was little, and Jasper showed up when I was on First Beach...I never looked at him the same way again. He was And strong...and he...he saved me. I tried to ignore the feelings I felt, I mean, the guy's my uncle. That's kinda gross.
     But I still love him. He kissed me back last week. I have the power to make people want me. I always will. And I want Jasper Hale. I will not settle for less. Even if it means I have to play a little dirty. I got a love letter today from a boy in class. I don't think sleeping around could hurt....

"Do you know what upset her?"
"No. I honestly have no idea. That's the weird thing. I don't know, Bella, maybe we shouldn't have grounded her. What if it was just an uncontrollable thing?"
"She's been like this all week. Maybe it's a phase?"
"I don't know...whatever it is, she's too made to talk now."
"Jazz?" Alice looked at me. I looked up from the spot in the carpet I was intently studying.
"Why don't you go talk to her," she said, rubbing my shoulders.
I sighed resignedly.
I couldn't say,"Do I halfta?" because why would I oppose? Someone would figure out what had happened. I honestly couldn't believe her father hadn't been prying into her mind. Or mine. Maybe he had...Oh God, I hadn't even thought...I looked up at Edward, who stared at me intently. I gulped.
"Of course," I said, rising.
I got up the stairs and knocked on Renesmee's door.
God, I am so screwed.

"Jasper," I stared, my eyes taking in his sight.
"Hey, can I come in?"
I smiled perfectly at him. "Of course."
He stepped inside and I locked the door.
"Can I take your jacket, Jasper, you look hot," I said, pushing him to sit on my bed and letting my tongue roam his neck. He quickly shoved me away, and I just laughed as I fell on the floor, my skirt twisted and my shirt peaked up to show my stomach in a tempting way. He stared, eyes scared and dark. I laughed evilly as I crawled up to him on my knees and pounced again.
"Stop it!" he growled, pinning me down.
"Oh, so that's how you want it," I purred angelically. He groaned.
"Do you even understand how much trouble we are in?"
He caught my attention with that, and I stared up at him, alert.
"What do you mean," I asked, my voice trembling as I sat up.
"You realize your father can read effing minds, right?" he hissed.
"Oh, God," I whispered, staring off into space. Thinking specifically of my dream last night, and how I'd lingered on it over our hunt. How Jasper's hands had run up my body on the cliff and his tongue down my throat, and after he'd discarded my cloaths....
My father didn't know that was a dream. He didn't know that was a dream or real or if it was some other man! And Jasper? Surely he'd thought about me. He'd had too have thought of me. I paled.
"Jasper, what do I say? What do we do?"
"This is all on you. I don't think he knows I know. I'm going to calm you down and he's going to talk to you in a minute, alright? Act normal. And if you have to, stress in your mind that what you were thinking about was a dream. It was all a dream. Understand?"
I nodded nervously.
"What's going to happen if he finds out the truth?"
Jasper laughed as he rose. "What truth? Nothing happened besides a teenage girl throwing herself at her uncle because she finds him unhealthily attractive."

My dad came in my room a few minutes later by himself and shut the door. He was only 17, and it was weird having to call him my brother at school, but it was beyond my control. I couldn't say I went to highschool with my father. It was gross having to listen about there sick, sexual dreams about my father in the locker room though. That was just...ehhh....
"Renesmee, is there something you want to talk about?"
I didn't look at my father, but focused on my Geometry homework, and my next art club meeting topic. I pictured hunting when I was young, and Jacob next to me. Jacob...I hadn't thought about Jacob since....
I stared bawling right then and there.
I knew my father was staring. He didn't expect this. He knew, but now all he saw was my accident. Of course Jasper would be associated in those thoughts, it only made since. This could be my chance to cover all this up.
But I thought about Jacob and that day on the beach and I stared bawling even louder.
"Renesmee..." he said, wrapping his arms around me. "It's about the accident, isn't it? Oh, honey, I'm sorry...I...what do you want?" I tried to calm down now, but I was hyperventalating.
"N-n-noth-thing. Ju-ju-just g-go. Pl-pl-pl-"
"Okay, baby," he said, kissing my forehead. "I'll send Esme up with some water, alright?" I nodded as I breathed hard through the tears. He clinked the door shut.

Dear Diary,
I may have just saved us...

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