Thursday, January 3, 2013

That's it.

I have to read Fruits Basket again. I went back and looked through a few chapters and seriously started tearing up. It's of the most emotional things I've read in my life. WHY DOES EVERYONE IN THIS MANGA HAVE A SAD BACKSTORY?

Tohru- Her dad died, then her mom died

Yuki- Akito pretty much made his life heck

Kyo- Nobody likes him because he's the cat. And there's something else that I can't say because Meg has yet to learn it.

Shigure- ... I actually can't think of anything off the top of my head... All I know is that he slept with SOMEBODY'S mom. Oh gosh... How did that work...? Doggy style XD oh gosh... Agh my mind...

Hatori- Um, Hatori needs no explanation other than AKITO IS A FREAKING DOUCHE!

Momiji- See? Even Momiji has a sad backstory. You'll find out later, Meg.

I could go further, but Meg has not met a lot of people, so I shall stop.

But just...this manga is...amazing. And much better than the anime. The anime stops at freaking vol. 8 of the manga. The manga has like 22 volumes. So yeah. Which one do you think you get more story with?
At least in the anime it's okay to think that Akito's sexy. You can't with the manga. Because he's a girl. But you don't find that out until like vol. 20. So I'm sure a lot of teenage girls reading the manga for the first time felt very homosexual.
But, another downside to the anime is that there is no Rin or Kureno :( Well... If they did have Rin it would probably just lead to a lot of sex with Haru, and as for Kureno, I suppose he might not be there because then his relationship with Akito would be very odd...
Alright. I'm done with my rant.


Oh Meg~~! I have a picture of Yuki's older brother~~
Don't worry, he doesn't always dress like that. Always...

1 comment:

    jk...I'm not sure what to think...O_O
