Thursday, March 7, 2013

Anyone Wanna Adopt Me?

Anyone Wanna Adopt me?


Okay, so right after Demy left the car, my parents legit started screaming at me. Apparently, someone from church was subbing at school and told them how I looked 'somber' all the time, and never smiled. My mother proceeds to scream at my brother because 'she couldn't hear him when he said hi to a woman'. And people think she's raising 'stuck up children'. Okay, I realize some people may think that, but legit we're just really shy. I get so upset when I have to talk it's not funny. I freak out. My mom then goes on to say how 'she didn't raise us that way'. Well...we both grew up the same way, didn't we, bitch? She was laying into me yesterday too. So, I started crying in the car tonight, and my mom, while talking to my dad, turns around in the car and starts yelling at me for CRYING. I just kept apologizing and she was so ticked and I couldn't stop and it made me so freaking mad! All she ever does is scream at me 24/7! It used to be where she liked my brother more, but she treats him the same way she used to treat me and he's starting to cry all the time because of them and it's not funny! I don't want him to end up like me all depressed and antisocial. They honestly shouldn't have had us. I'm not sure if this is considered verbal abuse or not, but I legit have hated living in this house since I was eight. I've tried suicide since I was eight. Something is wrong here. I don't think it's just me. It just...makes me so mad. And I'm grounded from Demy again because I cried. Apparently, forever because I'm 'a stuck up brat'. Yup. I honestly don't have the time or energy to waste on caring anymore. I have 3 years till I'm outta here, and I tell them that all the time. There response was 'I don't care about you 'going to New York'' Most sarcastic voice ever. They legit think I can't do it. It's just...I don't even know. I went to bed and told them goodnight, and no one responded. I legit hope I die in my sleep. Just saying.


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