Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just Some Deep. Psychological. Reason.


We were now hiding out in a cave in Ishval, having just escaped being captured by some Ishvalans. Things were more settled down by now, though, as we all were preparing to sleep.
Theo came and sat down by me on the front end of the cave.
"So that was fun, huh," he said, referring to the events earlier.
"Yeah," I laughed. "You know, if Travis didn't have that gun on him... He actually comes in handy sometimes."
"Sure," Theo scoffed. "When he's not being a major ego maniac."
"And just plain...dumb..." Theo added. "I mean, he just acts so stupid. And just thinking he's so great and..." He trailed off into a growl. I sensed some annoyance. Okay, a lot. And maybe a twinge of jealousy. "Just absolutely dumb." Okay. No jealousy.
"Oh, come on, Theo," I giggled. "Be nice. You don't know why he acts like that. He might have some deep psychological reason for acting like an idiot--"
Travis came over and crouched beside Theo, then flicked a piece of Theo's hair that always stands on end.
"I have always wondered what would happen if I did that!" Travis exclaimed. He left to the other end of the cave.
Theo just blinked and gave me a What just happened? stare.
"Okay," I said with an intake of breath. "I've just determined that it is indeed not a deep psychological reason."
"Nope. He's just a dumbass," Theo confirmed.

A/N: Meg here. I obviously didn't write this because it's from Sarah's POV, just here to tell you fun things~~~~
First off, I would like to promote that soul alchemist 15 is writing a new story that is coming up so be excited for her first ever published fanfiction!!
Second, this story was originally written as an inside joke we had about Theo's anntea, so this originally ended with the line 'AND THEN TRAVIS DIES' in all caps. I went from laughing my butt off to bawling in two seconds.
Thirdly, Demy and I have have started to make this story into a manga! With her legit art skills and this legit story (Don't mean to brag, but this story is amazing. We know it.) it will be awesome. We both have deviantarts, and Demy will post it on her account. Our profiles are Rikuluver15 and MegGiry-theAlbino. So just check us out there, and I will try to get the links up on my ff profile. Thanks again for everyone who is still reading this story!!


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