Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WWTC thoughs

I'm still upset that We Were the Cost is over... It's like losing a body part... (HUMAN TRANSMUTATION TIIIME!!!)
But seriously. I'm sad. Legit sad right now. Maybe it suddenly hit me because I've been thinking about it so much lately. I don't want to brag, but even though the story has its faults (mostly on my part...) it's just...amazing. I just love it so much. Meg and I could not have created something better. It makes me sad that we won't ever type together on it again. (But, separately, we will definitely write a crapload of one shots)
I just can't get over how much I love this story... It's the characters that make it what it is, really. I wish we would've devoloped them a bit more, though, but we're kind of covering it with one shots. But there's so much about each person that I wish we could convey properly with the attention it deserves. I do admit we actually could've gone into a lot more detail about a lot of things. But that doesn't mean it was bad. In fact it was amazing, in case I haven't mentioned.
I'm still just so thrilled to have created this story with Meg. And her, being my better half, had a lot to do with how amazing it is.
I'm getting kind of emotional here, but I can't help it. This has just been the best creative experience of my life, and Meg made it possible. Love you, girl.


... This is a terrible day for rain...

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