Monday, November 26, 2012

Demy's Gut-Spillage

Demy here!


Date this form was created: 26th of November 2012 (I seriously checked the calendar to make sure it was November.)
Full name: Demytra Nom
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: Demyx is a character from Kingdom Hearts, a video game I love, and Demyx was my nickname for a while. I shortened it to Demy when I was added to the blog, and I thought Demytra would sound epic. As for Nom...idk. It was probably late at night.
Nickname: Demyx, Alphonse (Brony called me this last year. Before I had even seen FMA), brown-headed f*ck (mean Hispanic girl...)
Reason for nickname: People being people
Race: um, white?
Occupation/class: same as Meg and everyone else. Freshies.
Social class: Look down your shower drain. I think you found it.

Physical Appearance:

Age: ...14...
How old they appear: Apparently at least 16. Some chick at Wal-Mart thought I worked there.
Eye Color: Brown. Like unbarfed chocolate. (MR joke.)
Glasses or contacts? Both. I like to wear my big nerdy glasses.
Hair color length and style: Naturally brown, dyed darker brown. A little past my shoulders in layers.
Weight and height: I'm about 5'6"ish and maybe 130? 125?
Type of body (build): Average.
Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): Tan when I try. Or go outside ever. Oily sometimes.
Shape of face: Face shaped.
Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): Small beauty mark on the right side of my face, by my nose. Weird red dot on my left wrist.
Predominant feature: I guess my nose?
Is s/he healthy? Not really, I don't think.
If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? I don't eat healthy :P
Do they look healthy? Why/why not? Yup :) I think


 favorite color: I like purple.
Least favorite, why? Maybe brown. But that's just because it's a hard color to make with paint.
Music? I like older country (not the crap today), some rock, Jpop, Vocaloids :P
Least favorite music, why? Pop. Rap. Hip-Hop.
Food: Pizza. Like a boss.
Literature: Ummm... Literature as in legit literature, or just books in general?
Expressions: Frick on a stick
Expletives (curse): like the worst words I say are screw and whore.
Mode of transport: I won't have a license until I'm a Junior. My sister and my mom are my main transportation.
Hobbies: Video games, drawing, anime
How do they spend a rainy day? Sleeping, and *see above^*


Are they a daredevil or cautious? I'll ride a roller coaster where I'm upside down half the time, but someone opening the door to my room scares the freaking crap out of me.
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? Alone=insane, with friends=insane, family or schoolmates=o_o people... RAWR!
Habits: Wiggling fingers, moving my lips when I read, holding my breath for no apparent reason
Drinks: Water. Life fluid, man.
How much: That depends on my thirst. And my bladder.
Greatest Strength: Probably drawing. People tell me I'm good, anyway.
Greatest Weakness: My weakness. As in my muscles.
Soft spot: Kittens. They're just so cute...
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: Its obvious. *hugs cat*
If not, how do they hide it: I don't.
Biggest Vulnerability: My tummy. Poke me there and you die. Just kidding. But don't poke me.


Hometown: Haha, no
Type of childhood: Relatively normal, but a bit hectic, considering I had to go back and forth between my mom and dad's house.
First Memory: When I took my mom's scissors and gave myself a haircut. But I do have to admit, it was a sexy mullet.
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: My parents' divorce.
Why? Um. Going between houses. Holidays are difficult.
Education: Apparently better than most people my age. I'm surrounded by idiots.
Religion: Baptist
Finances: hmm... My mom owes me $20


Mother: My mom
Relationship with her: She thinks everything I like is evil. So, not that good.
Father: Mah daddeh
Relationship with him: Good, but a bit distant sometimes
Siblings, How many, relationship with each: One older sister (she's mean to me. But she is taking me to the library. Love youuu~), One younger brother(we get along sometimes), one younger stepbrother (he. Annoys. The. Shiz. Outta. Me.), one older stepbrother (I've seen him maybe 20 times. I kid you not.)
Children of siblings: only one old enough to even have a child is older stepbrother, but he has no wife.
Other extended family: ummm... Lots of people I'm related to by marriage...
Close? Why or why not: Not really


Most at ease when: Home alone or with friends
Most ill at ease when: Around my disapproving family
Priorities: Happiness
Philosophies: I dunno... Just no Philosophy Club.
How they feel about themselves: Low self-confidence sometimes, thanks to my sister's constant mocking
Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: if I would be embarrassed to admit it, why the eff would I post it on the Internet?!
Why? -_-
If granted one wish what would it be, why? More wishes?


Optimist or pessimist? Why? Realist, like Meg.
Introvert or extrovert? Why? IN IN IN introvert.
Drives and motives: I'm motivated by my friends :)
Talents: drawing, hula-hooping, being lazy
Extremely skilled at: Drawing I guess
Extremely unskilled at: Being normal. I have a hard time with that...
Good characteristics: Im Random? Spazzy?
Character flaws: I'm random and spazzy. I don't think before I act.
Mannerisms: I'm just spazzy
Peculiarities: I obsess over stupid things. Fictional characters and such.
Biggest regret: I can only pick one?
Minor regrets: I can still only pick one?!
Biggest accomplishment: I beat my sister in a beauty pageant! Maybe it's not my biggest accomplishment, but its still pretty freakin impressive considering what a major Barbie my sister is.
Minor accomplishments: I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 in like 2 days
Darkest secret: Again, why would I put a SECRET on the freaking INTERNET?
Does anyone know? Obviously not.
How did they find out: see statement above


One word they would use to describe themselves: Odd
One paragraph of how they would describe themselves: I think that I am a person who is just out-there, and a bit creative. My mind focuses more on fictional things than realistic. I constantly just want to pour out my emotions in any way possible, especially drawing, and singing and acting. I just want to express myself and make anyone who has ever doubted or laughed at me be proved wrong. I want to feel wanted.
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: My eyes. They are the best way to show emotion. Unless you can yell. Always yell.
The worst one? Why? My acne and my eyebrows. Acne is obviously gross, and my eyebrows are just dark and look awkward.
Are they realistic assessments? Well, according to my mirror
If not, why not?
How they think others preserve them: (Is preserve the proper word to use there?) Im not sure... I'm sure a lot of people find me annoying...and stupid... And some people think I'm smart and pretty. Hmm. I just can't please everyone, can I? Haha
What four things would they most like to change about themselves: I would like to be closer to God. I've strayed from the path a little. Other than that, I'd like to be less lazy. I think that's it. I'm pretty much freaking perfect otherwise.
If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not: I would be the same for the most part.
Would changing of number 1 make them more happy? Why/why not: I believe so.

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others:
How are they perceived by strangers: "Who the f*ck is that weird chick??"
Friends: Meg, Crys, Ness, Christine, Viktor. That is my main group.
Wife/husband/lover: Not sure I would go as far as calling Viktor my lover...
How do they view their peers: I couldn't ask for a better group of friends
First impression of the them: "They might be too normal for me..."
why? Meg seemed so quiet and sophisticated
What happens to change this perception: I got to know them better...
What do people like most about them: Different things for different people.
What do they dislike most about them: Everyone's a bit odd... XD


Immediate: To get a freaking role in a local theatre production
Long term: Be an actress. Duh.
How do they plan to accomplish them: Act my freaking butt off
How will others be effected by this: My friends will be friends with a famous person ;)


How do they react in a crisis: Cry.
How do they face problems: Yell.
Kind of problems they usually run into: "Demy, I'm not sure I like all that Japanese crap."
How they react to new problems: (whispering to myself) "Just don't rip their heads off, Demy..."
How they react to change: Either "meh" or "AGHHHH!!!! IM DYING!!!!"


Favorite clothing, why: My cow pattern footsie pajamas, which I am currently wearing :3 Soooo comfyyy
Least favorite, why: Most low cut shirts. "Nuuu don't look at my chest!"
Jewelry: Gummy bear earrings ;)
Other accessories: hair band on wrist
Drives: What?
Where do they live: um no
Where do they want to live: ahh...lets think... New York, Japan, Texas (FUNimation!), California, England, like pretty much anywhere. I don't care.
Spending habits, why: I usually don't have money long... So tempting to buy things...
What do they do too much of, why: I play on my phone too much...
Most prized possession, why: I have a few... I love my stuffed bunny that came with some Pat the Bunny book. I've had it for like at least maybe 8 years now? It's ears are gone and there's purple marker scribbles on it, but I love that thing to death.
People they secretly admire, why: I, not so secretly, admire Vic Mignogna. He is an amazing man. Wonderful Christian voice actor, helping prove that anime is not all bad. And plus. His voice. Is freaking mmmm...
Person they are most influenced by, why: I'm influenced a lot more by my friends than any adults. Meg and Crys have impacted me so much, and I'm so greatful for them and all of my friends.
Most important person in their life, why: Jesus, duh. And do I really have to answer why? Pick up a Bible!
How do they spend time: Talking to friends, playing video games, watching anime, drawing, singing, acting, sleeping, trying to keep what little sanity I have left.

Love you guys! Thanks to all of our awesome viewers for keeping us going for this long! This blog has really helped strengthen our friendships, and for that, I can't thank our faithful viewers enough
And to Meg, Crys, Nessa, and Christine, I love you guys so much! I have no idea what I would do without you! If I hadn't met you guys in junior high... Gosh I'm about to cry... You guys are just so amazing. Thank you for letting me be your friend when I had none. I just can't tell you how happy I am that I met you guys.

-Demytra Nom, your little spaz

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