Monday, November 26, 2012

The true Crystal

Date this form was created: November 26, 2012

Full name: Crystal Poppin (psyudenum)

Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: I've always loved the name Crystal. We were all Messin around in the library and someone, I think Nessa, said, "Watchu been Poppin!" and i said, "My peeeellllllssss!" so CRYSTAL POPPIN WAS BORN!!!

Nickname: Crys; Bubbles; Barbie

Reason for nickname: Crys: short for Crystal. Bubbles: supposedly my glasses looked like bubbles even though they were Yellow and Black. Barbie: I supposedly resemble one... I strongly disagree.

Race: White, but not like Meg.

Occupation/class: Well, I guess being a teenager. Layin around the house been lazy. Freshmen.

Social class: Unpopular, but when I'm with my friends, I'm on top of the world.

Physical Appearance:

Age: 14

How old they appear: 15, I guess. Never really asked anyone how old I look.

Eye Color: Fucking Brown... I hate them so much.

Glasses or contacts? Both, mainly glasses but I wear both.

Hair color length and style: Naturally a dirty blonde, but recently dyed it a reddish brown. Part is slightly to the left(looking at it) and comes to a little past my shoulders.

Weight and height: Height is 5"4' or something like that. Maybe taller. You ain't gettin my weight though.

Type of body (build): Well, I've been called a stick, but I'm not. Not fat either. Average.

Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): Tanned slightly and burns fairly easy. Not like Meg's though.

Shape of face: TO HELL IF I KNOW!!! I guess it a freaking oval.

Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): A small dimple on my right cheek when a smile and a HUGE birthmark on my hip. It's in the shape of lips.

Predominant feature: Um, I don't know...

Is s/he healthy? I guess so.

If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA!!!

Do they look healthy? Why/why not? Sure! Let's go with that! Because I said so bitch!


favorite color: Light blue and purple

Least favorite, why? Don't have one. Why? I think all colors are pretty.

Music? Pop


Food: PIZZA!!!!

Literature: Just about anything that's really fiction. Nothing with that non-fiction crap they teach us in social studies.

Expressions: "I'm gonna fornicate someone with a stick wrapped in barbed wire!" is probably my favorite saying. My mom says it most of the time. I say, "I'm gonna punch you in the throat." a lot too.

Expletives (curse): Hmm, I say them all, but my favorite would probably be fuck.

Mode of transport: Favorite would be speedin in a desert in a really fast car. But, since I can't do that, I'm stuck with ridin with my parents. Can't drive yet.

Hobbies: Reading; softball; playing my piano(keyboard. Not a big grand one either); iPod; hunting; fishing

How do they spend a rainy day? Um, anything I listed above would probably be what I'd so.


Are they a daredevil or cautious? Most of the time I'm cautious, but I can be a daredevil when I want to be.

Do they act the same alone as when with someone? Well, I mean, I guess. Depends on the person.

Habits: HUGE procrastinator; nail bitter; oh, I twirl my hair A LOT and then I tie it in a knot... Then untie it... Repetitively.

Drinks: Diet coke or diet dr. Pepper. Either one works

How much: AT LEAST 3 cans when I get home. AT A MINIMUM!!!

Greatest Strength: Um, I don't know. Cheering people up?

Greatest Weakness: I don't know! These questions are difficult to answer yourself... Um, ah ha... Being indecisive.

Soft spot: To hell of I know... Meg, what is my soft spot? I don't think I know. It may be men. Everytime some guy starts talkin to me, it's like, "O_O *-* I LOVE YOU!!!" it's terrible... Wait, would that be a weakness? Don't care...

Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: Um, I don't know. Maybe?

If not, how do they hide it: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Biggest Vulnerability: Falling 'in love' when it not really there.


Hometown: Hahahahaha. Bikini Bottom

Type of childhood: Pretty good I guess.

First Memory: Um... *looks up at the sky all dramatic like* yep. I got nothing.

Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: I don't fucking know!


Education: 9th grade

Religion: Christian

Finances: I'm 14...


Mother: Epic Poppin'

Relationship with her: Pretty tight.

Father: Mr. Poppin

Relationship with him: Eh, fine I guess. Rather be with my mom though.

Siblings, How many, relationship with each: One sister and, thought she doesn't believe it, I love her to death and would do anything for her. Major that is. If it's like, "Crys, get my a glas of milk." I'll be like fuck you. But if it's, "Crys, give me a kidney." I'd be all for it.

Children of siblings: She's 8. Can't happen yet.

Other extended family: My moms bf, B-radical, has three girls. I shall name them, LEAVE ME ALONE, SHUT UP, Nice girl. Other than that, fuck the naming of all my cousins.

Close? Why or why not: They think we're tight, but I do NOT like them at ALLL.


Most at ease when: um, probably relaxin in my bed. Textin my bf. Watchin pewdiepie.

Most ill at ease when: Talking to a large group of people I don't know well.

Priorities: Um, school I guess.

Philosophies: I don't know!

How they feel about themselves: Fine I guess. Could be less shy an more social, but fine with myself.

Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: I'm not afraid to admit to any failure.

Why? It happens to everyone.

If granted one wish what would it be? Um, I've thought about this. And a lot of shit has gone down with my dad. I'd wish him health. Heal his eye, his kidney. Everything that fucker in the orange truck has taken from him.

why?Because he didn't deserve this.


Optimist or pessimist? Why? Optimist I guess. Most times anyway. That's the positive of things right?

Introvert or extrovert? Why? No clue what that even means

Drives and motives: I don't have any idea. Just natural flow if things I guess.

Talents: I have no talents. I mean, I'm OKAY at softball, but that's not really a talent.

Extremely skilled at: I'll say reading. Even though that's not really that big of a skill.

Extremely unskilled at: Socializing.

Good characteristics: Smart, friendly, caring, funny

Character flaws: Shy, don't like talking to people I don't know, too trusting in people I just start talking to/just meet

Mannerisms: Twirling my hair

Peculiarities: Tying my hair in knots

Biggest regret: Fighting with Meg over stupid shit. For example: the huge fight we had over FLIRTING WITH TY! probably not the biggest one, but i regret it nonetheless.

Minor regrets: Thinking the the Ginger would change for me. There's more really, just listing one for each.

Biggest accomplishment: Um, geez... I won Ms. October Fest when I was like 1. Does that count?

Minor accomplishments: Um... I don't know!

Darkest secret: Fuck you. Not gettin it outta me.

Does anyone know? Um, yeah. Only my closest friends though.

How did they find out: They used their telepathy. I told them stupid!


One word they would use to describe themselves: kind

One paragraph of how they would describe themselves: I'm just a girl trying to make it in this fucked up world. I don't really know what to say. I get asked questions to homework and lessons at school. I flirt with guys when they talk to me. I want attention, but don't LONG for it like some people. I'm aggressive and rough, and I will hit you if you make me mad. I do a great job at dancing on people's last nerve. I can be downright cruel sometimes, even with I play around, afterwards I realize it was mean and uncalled for.

What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: I'm skinny I guess. Why? Because the rest of me sucks.

The worst one? Why? Hmm, probably my breast's. They are just to effing small.

Are they realistic assessments? Um, I guess so.

If not, why not? XXXX

How they think others preserve them: Um, depends in who your talking to. If it's kids at school: shy, smart, nice. If it's my friends: abusive, funny, crazy.

What four things would they most like to change about themselves: Become more social, but that's about it.

Why? I want to be able talk to people an have more friends. It's going to be hard when I go off to college and I'm shy and can't make new friends. Very lonely.

If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not: No, if I was more social, I'd probably hang out with the wrong kind of people.

Would changing of number 1 make them more happy? Why/why not: what??? I guess so?

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others: Fine I guess.

How are they perceived by strangers: Freindly, kind, smart

Friends: Abusive, funny, caring

Wife/husband/lover: Direct quote from Kaiden: "Smart, Funny, You have an edge, You are a great person.""Your awesome, Smart, Funny, Fit, Good-looking, Great sense of humor.""Cute, Cool, Invisionative, All good person."

How do they view their peers: Hilarious, the right kind of people, crazy

First impression of the them: Who the fuck are we hanging out with.

why? They were too crazy and perverse.

What happens to change this perception: Started to just, accept them.

What do people like most about them: I dont know. Depends on the person were talking about.

What do they dislike most about them: same as above.


Immediate: Get through hig school

Long term: Become a dr.

How do they plan to accomplish them: Get good grades and go to college.

How will others be effected by this: no clue.


How do they react in a crisis: Depends on the crisis.

How do they face problems: Same as above.

Kind of problems they usually run into: Same.

How they react to new problems: Same.

How they react to change:Same.


Favorite clothing, why: graphic tee. Because their casual wear.

Least favorite, why: Dresses. Because I have to worry about the bottom flying up.

Jewelry: Bracelet.

Other accessories: Maybe a necklace.

Drives: Want to drive a camaro, but cannot yet.

Where do they live: Told you already! IIIIIIIIIII LIVE IN A PINRAPPLE UNDER THE SEA!!

Where do they want to live: Can't really live outta water.

Spending habits, why: I don't spend on hardly anything.

What do they do too much of, why: Hide away in my room. I'm too anti social at home when I should be talkin to my mom or something.

Most prized possession, why: Um, don't really have one. Maybe my iPod? I don't know.

People they secretly admire, why: Not really a secret. I really like the tromboner. I mean, Kaiden is my boyfriend so he obviously doesn't know. But whateves.

Person they are most influenced by, why: My mom. She teaches me so many things.

Most important person in their life, why: Gosh I can't choose. I'd say Jesus, but I feel like that's a lie. I almost never go to church and I don't even know the chapters of the bible. I'd probably say Meg or Demy or something like that, but they're all so important to me.

How do they spend time: Doing whatever really.

Crystal Poppin

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