Monday, November 26, 2012

Nessa is here!! I am doing the same questions as Meg so here we go.



The Questions

Date this form was created: 11/26/2012
Full name: Nessarose Thropp
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: I'm the daughter of Frexspar and Melinda. I'm the sister of Elphaba.
Nickname:  Nessa/Perverted/Cheeky Bitch/ Short person/Midget/Backup Hoe/Vagina Owner
Reason for nickname: I seriously have no idea.
Race: Almost Albino. No seriously. I'm almost Albino except I have freckles.
Occupation/class: Freshman
Social class:Even nerdier then Meg. I was bullied as a child if that's any help.

Physical Appearance:

Age: 14
How old they appear: I'm told I look like I should be in elementary still. :(
Eye Color: Blue with a ring of Brown around the center
Glasses or contacts? Both. I wear contacts and reading glasses. No one ever sees me in my bifocals however. They are horribly thick.
Hair color length and style: Well naturally its brown and almost waist length but now its shoulder length and red. Sill wavy as hell. I mean how is hair wavey? Does it wave to people on the street? I succeeded in getting that color Crystal wanted
Weight and height: 4'10' Yup I'm Alice's height. and like you would ever get my weight.
Type of body (build): short and ........chunky.
Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): almost albino and i burn indoors. Legit I'm always red.
Shape of face: round i guess
Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.):freckles everywhere and i mean that literally. I have one on my lip. I have three birthmarks. one on my wrist. one on the back of my knee. and one on my shoulder.
Predominant feature: my not tiny figure i guess
Is s/he healthy? i am healthy other than mother nature hasn't cursed me with the scourge of woman yet.(periods)
If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? i guess I'm just that Awesome.
Do they look healthy? Why/why not? Other than my not so slender figure I guess I do.


favorite color: Purple in any shade.
Least favorite, why? Black because its not a color. Its a shade.
Music? Almost anything.
Least favorite music, why? Classical because it puts me to sleep.
Food: I'm vegetarian so fake Ch'in nuggets.
Literature: Any book I can get my hands on except anime, hush hush or many other books my friends read.
Expressions: My vagina. Refering to my friend from freshman seminar
Expletives (curse): I cuss........alot so ..........yea
Mode of transport: My parents or my scooter
Hobbies: Drawing, swimming, biking, archery, martial arts,writing,TV,hiking,fishing, and anything technological.
How do they spend a rainy day? Outside sloshing through puddles on my scooter.


Are they a daredevil or cautious? Cautious as hell. Except when I know you.
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? Nope. Me with friends: Perverted Shit!!
By myself": well that's inappropriate.
Habits: I scribble and fix my hair when I'm nervous
Drinks: Water for me please
How much: As much as I can get.
Greatest Strength: My ability to be fine with being by myself
Greatest Weakness: My inability to ever truly connect with people
Soft spot: My cat and my little sister. She is my precious little girl.
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: Nope. I don't let people see me as vulnerable
If not, how do they hide it: I put on a smile for the world to see and cry internally
Biggest Vulnerability: My lack of self confidence


Hometown: As if.
Type of childhood: It had its ups and downs. My mom smacked me not a lot but often enough. She is now on Lexipro.
First Memory:I fell of my bed. It was legit 5 inches of the ground and i still fell and hurt my nose.
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: I'm still damn klutzy.
Why? Its pretty self explanatory.
Education: Freshman with a sophomore class and Honors English.
Religion: None. I'm an atheist.
Finances: .........14..........


Mother: My effed up Mother
Relationship with her: Shit done hit the fan.
Father: Dad
Relationship with him: We don't talk much. Ends in arguments. Except during video games where if I talk I get grounded.
Siblings, How many, relationship with each: 1. She is awesome but annoying.
Children of siblings: she is 11 for gods sake.
Other extended family: two many Kentucky borns to count. I'm pretty sure some first cousins are married.
Close? Why or why not:Don't really see them.


Most at ease when: In my room.
Most ill at ease when: In a setting with people I don't converse with on a daily basis
Priorities: Getting out of this Podunk town.
Philosophies: Live life to the fullest.
How they feel about themselves: I'm a fat nerdy gamer. I'm game informer personified.
Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: I once had a F in math. I only got it because I failed one test.
Why? Think about it. I'm a freaking smart person most of the time other than numbers give me a headache. Don't get me started on Algebra.
If granted one wish what would it be, why? To be anybody else.


Optimist or pessimist? Why?  Realist like most of my friends
Introvert or extrovert? Why? Introverted around strangers and peers. Extroverted around my friends.
Drives and motives: I want to get out so I must work hard.
Talents: Martial arts and embroidery. (Nerdy I know)
Extremely skilled at: Martial arts
Extremely unskilled at:  Life
Good characteristics: My protectiveness to a fault. It can get annoying apparently...
Character flaws: My inability to know when to shut up.
Mannerisms: Crass around friends. Well mannered around strangers.
Peculiarities: I have a lucky coin I carry with me. EVERYWHERE.
Biggest regret: My life
Minor regrets: Stupid things I did in my past.
Biggest accomplishment: Actually making friends.
Minor accomplishments: keeping them
Darkest secret: I contemplate the best way to get myself out of the picture and I have a list.
Does anyone know? You guys now.
How did they find out:I told you.


One word they would use to describe themselves: Weird
One paragraph of how they would describe themselves: I'm a perverted introvert who annoys friends and who always has suicide on my mind.
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: I like my brain.
The worst one? Why? My size.
Are they realistic assessments? Who knows?
If not, why not?
How they think others preserve them: I think they think I'm a fat know-it-all. Or that's what I got bullied for.
What four things would they most like to change about themselves: My height, weight, my parents and my childhood.
Why? Self explanatory
If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not: Probably not. I wouldn't bond with my friends so I might not be here.
Would changing of number 1 make them more happy? Why/why not:I really don't know

Interaction with other people:

How do they relate to others: I don't mesh well with others.
How are they perceived by strangers: A weird fat midget.
Friends: Meg, Christine, Crystal, Demy,Bread and all of the others.
Wife/husband/lover: Nope.
How do they view their peers:Ignoramuses
First impression of the them: Idiots
why? Do you not go to public school?!?!?!?!?!?!
What happens to change this perception: They leave me alone.
What do people like most about them: Nothing. Social outcast remember?
What do they dislike most about them: Me in general.


Immediate: Graduate with Awesome grades.
Long term: Become a Pediatric Endocrinologist and to move to Tel Aviv
How do they plan to accomplish them: Leave this god forsaken town.
How will others be effected by this:No one will know I ever left.


How do they react in a crisis: I generally stay calm
How do they face problems: Head on
Kind of problems they usually run into: You wouldn't believe them all.
How they react to new problems: I try to figure out the best course of action.
How they react to change:I change rarely. Like a vampire.


Favorite clothing, why: My sweatpants. They just feel like me.
Least favorite, why: Formal clothes. They seem so stiff.
Jewelry: My grandmothers ring she gave me.
Other accessories: My phone and IPod.
Drives: My scooter and bike.
Where do they live: Nice try.
Where do they want to live: Tel Aviv Israel
Spending habits, why: I don't buy much because I don't get spending money.
What do they do too much of, why: I watch too much TV
Most prized possession, why: My stuffed rabbit I got from my ad before we started arguing.
People they secretly admire, why: I love Phil Brooks.
Person they are most influenced by, why: I'm influenced by Eleanor Roosevelt. I just love her story.
Most important person in their life, why: My cousin. She inspires me every day.
How do they spend time: I watch TV and draw, I do martial arts and I read. Not to much to do.

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