Saturday, December 29, 2012


I've probably played Assassin's Creed for about who knows how many hours since I got it. It's so amazing~~~
And just because I've played it quite a while doesn't mean I'm good at it, or have gotten very far. I just went to Jerusalem and assassinated a slave trader. Like a boss. Don't even ask me to try to remember his name. I have no idea. Pretty much the only names I can remember are Desmond (DESMOND THE MOON BEAR~~!!)(That's seriously what I thought the first time i heard his name) and Altair. I'm a failure.

Altair is a bad@$$.

Y'know, when I was younger, I always wanted someone to sit with me and watch me play video games. Now I do not.
My mom has come in and sat down on the couch while I'm playing AC and I just have to run around and try to avoid fighting. Killing isn't really her cup of tea. So it kind of makes it hard to avoid fights when I can hardly just walk up to people and kill them with my hidden blade without my mom getting mad. Grr.

And I really do suck at the game. I've died so many times just fighting in the streets.
I'm a fail.



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