Sunday, November 11, 2012

First time watching star wars...

Okay, so, your beloved Crystal is watching the Star Wars series... All I have to say is... What the fuck am I watching. This is so fucking messed up, I am so confused. Kaiden is ecstatic that I'm watching them. I'm on 'V: the empire strikes back' right now and just finished 'IV: a new hope'(?) I LOVE HANS SOLO!!!! Fuck Luke Skywalker, give me Hans Solo any day. Leih doesn't deserve him either. He's got a bigger lightsaber than Luke Skywalker... If you know what I mean! Lol, anyway, gotta pay attention to the movie. See ya later!

Crystal Poppin

1 comment:

  1. Han Solo. Not Hans. No s in his name. Get it right.

    Am I the only uber star wars fan here??!! I can name like,half the plants and like a bunch of random people....I was raised by nerddddsssss.
