Sunday, January 22, 2012

It was a normal day 2

Chapter 1   
 The Witch's Mumblings

        Caitlin Kingsley came in to the Academy early that Thursday morning. She flopped percariusly down onto the black fluffy chair and was glad to relax for once. Tired of Adam's houndings and the fight with the nanny and other things she was bushed.
    Hotchner watched from his office, he had been there all night along with JJ and Gideon, discussing a new case. She appeared almost ill, rubbing at her ice-colored eyes with her fingers, which seemed to be missing skin as if it had been chewed off. That was a new one.

     She pulled a book, bigger than his little son, and he laughed to himself. He allowed himself these moments little, but behind the mirrored glass that bordered his office, he was hidden. He thought about the girl when she was young, and tried to remember. One thing was for sure, she had not been this...docile. Was she now? Her temper still held it's many flares that he had met those two years ago. It had felt like an eternity...happier times...simpler times. Before- He forbide himself to think it.

     Her blonde hair was in two buns, just below her ears. She had on a long ivory dress, that matched the rotting cream slippers that never left her feet. Over the whole attire, was one long red cloak, that was open. It looked simliar to a cut open frock honestly. The hood was never used, but kept her bare neck warm. She was glad she had chosen this attire. She stood out.

Like a witch in a chapel.

She loathed that phrase.

  She kept her tea close to her lips, and as it being just after the midnight hour, she began to nod off...falling fast and falling faster into the dreams that she dreamed...that made her cry out in pain. What was the last time she had had a real dream? When faeries lurked among the edges and the meadow was lined with lilacs and honey dew, not demons and death? She had faced these things very young...the knife on her skin...

"You look consentrated." Her head snapped up at the comment. Reid sat infront of her, coffee in hand, her nose wrinkled at it. He gently lowered himself into the chair. It was histarical compared to her flop. 

"Just tired," she replied. Looking down, keeping her head buried in the sonnets and coined words of Shakespeare. He had saved her in middle school, save her now it could also do.

"Kay," Reid said, and when he opened his mouth to comment, she closed the book and fled to the conference room, and she read in there, so she could have other things to associate the room with, rather than the deaths she had seen displayed in there.

The team had done several other missions with Caitlin Kingsley, and everytime, something else seemed out of place. One case, her skin almost glowed in the dark, and her eyes grew dark as sloes and she sleep walking under the moon. The case after that, she mummbled into her phone the entire time saying things such as "They need to sleep. NOW" or "I know you, do me this favor once, and sass is not required. I know others, I can use them." and a case after that, her bed sheets caught on fire when she returned to the hotel around 5 am, long after the others. The bed was burned to ash and Caitlin had not a scratch on her. She wasn't just in the room.

She had been in the bed.


She shook a lot, like she had parkinsons or something...but it was mild and she tried to control it, Reid saw the look on her face, but...she couldn't stop it.

Reid and Morgan sat watching her, just a floor below. The Sonnet's had been replaced by a big dark book, a large one. You know, like a text book, but two time's taller and thicker, and 1,000,000 years older. She sat mumbling when the men entered the room.

"Deixar los atopar nada, deixe o sol nunca brilla, deixe-o ser o meu ... deixe-o ser o meu ...(let them find nothing, let the sun never shine, let it be mine...let it be mine...)"

The last part was so soft and gravely, the two men did not hear it.

"What does that mean?" Reid asked hissingly.

She jumped out of her skin, and just as quick as the book had come, it disappeared under the table. And when Reid bent over to look at it nothing was under the table.

"You boys best trust your insticts...and stay away when warned, homes ignorantes,"

And she fled just as quick as the book.
"What do you think that meant?"Morgan asked as he and Reid briskly walked down the hallway to Gideon's room.

"I don't know. I don't know that language. That's why I'm worried." Reid was talking in that tone that was so fast no one could understand him. Morgan was used to it.

Morgan waited to knock, but Reid burst in, knowing they would be welcome regardless of the task Gideon was completing.

"Are you serious?" Reid hissed.

"What?" Gideon asked, standing.

"The girl. Is she-?"

"Psychic? No telling. That girl is whatever she wants to be. That's for sure."

Reid swore under his breath.

"Why do you ask?" Gideon said.

When Reid didn't answer, Morgan said,"She was...mumbling. It was so not English."

"It wasn't a language on God's green Earth," Reid growled under his breath.

"Boys, I'll ask her about. I'm not saying she'll talk."

Morgan, with that was satified, but Reid was heistant.

"What did you mean that day...about her past?"

"Don't go digging Reid. You won't find anything. She's changed to much."

Reid shook his head,"I'm gonna find out. You don't need to keep lying to me. It's going to make it easier if you tell me now."

"You won't find out. And I'm not lying to you. I know that you know that I know something, that doesn't mean my keeping it from a lie. It's just a secret, no one was meant to know."

"All secrets are deep, all secrets become dark, that is in the nature of secrets,"she hissed from the door, her voice like liquid gold, pouring over the two men. Her ice eyes melted and froze Reid at the same time, and he fled.
    She shut the door behind him, and the two left in the room had a heated discussion that Reid could only watch, not listen.

Chapter 2

He with Her?

         "So, what's the gist?"Kingsley asked as she and Gideon poured into JJ's office, late.

"We may or may not be going to the scene," Morgan said, quitely, avoiding eye contact.

"What!?"Hissed the wicked witch, her eyes flew to Hotchner with such heat, he was scared. He hadn't seen her act like that in a few weeks. She kept to herself. She only talked to...she only talked when she needed to. Small talk seemed reserved for Reid and that always ended bad.

"This case-" She began, Hotch literally cut her off and Reid chewed on his fist so as not to laugh.  "It's life or death of people," she whispered.


"Idiota! Por que mofa de min? Eles!"  she hissed, staring him in the face.

Hotch simply looked at her, his sneer was blaring on her with a force as hot as the sun.

"Reid, Morgan, Elle, take Kingsley to the station. Interview them and review the case files before we decide."

"Yay! I won't let you down, you're not making a mistake I-"

"Morgan is in charge, Kingsley." Her face partly fell, but the beaming smile couldn't stay off her face for long. She skipped from the room in joy.

"Why me?" Reid asked, slinging his satchel over his shoulder.
"Because you don't like her."

"Blunt enough,"Kingsley said, back at the door, things packed and in hand.

"Let's just go,"Reid hissed shoving past her.


"Ready?" Morgan asked.

"Ready Fredd-"

"Can I come?" his brawny arms shoved through the masses and and looked as dumb as ever, in Reid's opinion that is.

    Adam Butler had been lurking around Caitlin Kingsley in the FBI office for the past two weeks. He followed her around like a love sick puppy, and she in return payed him no mind. He would toy with her hair while she read, or reviewed a case and slap his hand away. When he wrapped his arm around her, she shrugged it off. When he said something dumb, she would explain it to him in bigger words or answer it with terminology so complex, he simple stared.

"I...suppose the agents could use an extra set of hands," Hotchner said.

"Great," Adam groaned,"Secretary to the FBI."

"Do you want to go or not?" Kingsley hissed. She had been silent during most of affair, avoiding eye contact, rolling her eyes, or trying not to scream or murder her brawny...Boyfriend?

"Yes," he said, trying to kiss her hand. She slapped him away. "I'll go where you go,"he whispered.

She rolled her eyes,"Come on, then, we're expected and I don't like to be late."
"So, they're prostitutes."

"That doesn't mean they don't have lives! Don't have souls!" Kinglsey was arguing with Hotchner, and not bothering to turn off the speaker she allowed to dig through her bag for evidence.

"I'm not saying-Look, Kingsley, we have more important cases,"

"I like this one," she growled.

"I don't care."

She clicked the line dead, and threw the phone across the room. Reid barely had time to dodge it as it wizzed past his head.

"Doesn't he understand?!" She screamed, and everyone looked down, the first to make eye contact would have to speak to the girl. Why was this so despicably like high school?

Morgan slipped up.

"There's no one missing these girls....The more important cases-"

"That's disgusting," she groaned, dropping into a chair, arms folded across-or rather under- her chest. She looked funny with her droopy, angry expression with her dress folds and silk-straight hair flying up.

"You can't win 'em all babe," Adam whispered, trying to console her.

"I always win, Adam,"she shot him a look,"Always."
"In the state of Mason City, Iowa, what do we do for fun?" Morgan asked. The group was walking the streets, all except for Adam who had chosen to stay with two pretty girls. Kingsley didn't miss him.

"We should be helping,"she hissed,"But, no, by all means, lets have a few drinks! It's not like anything matters!!"

"Calm down, girly,"Morgan said, patting her shoulders in a fatherly way,"Calm."

"Fine,"She accepted his loving pat with grace, trying hard to shove him away. Reid could almost swear she relaxed under his touch, like she realized it was a loving embrace rather than a pain inflicting gesture.

"Hey, hey guys! Wait!"Adam came running up behind him, that dumb look on his face. It was him biting his lower lip and frowning and making his eyes really big then sticking out his chin. Hot right?

   Kingsley groaned. Reid laughed at her response, in turn earning a glare from the Roid-head. Reid gulped.

"Hey, hun?" Adam asked Kingsley, she relucktantly turned."Wanna come out to dinner?"

She pursed her lips and grimaced. "Suuuuuuuuuuuurreeee." she hissed. Adam didn't look the least bit discouraged. The smirk that clicked onto his face made Reid shiver. Elle and Morgan exchanged glances. When the couple left Elle announced,"Something is going to happen."

"...Something he knows."
After walking Elle to her room, Spencer Reid strolled the hallway of the hotel. This city had nothing to offer him and he frankly was just tired. He didn't want to do anything. The plane ride tomorrow with the lovely couple (cranky girlfriend and arrogant boyfriend) would be excruxatining enough.

"No! Nooooooo!!!" The shriek let out and Reid immediately found his Glock 8, located on his waist.

"Shut up!! Shhhhh, shush!! Stop!!" The mans scream was followed by a smacking noise, undoubtedly to the face. 

Reid caught sight of the hotel door, creeked open just a hair. The dimmed light shone through and Reid threw it open and pointed in his glock and screamed "FB-" at this point his eyes had just opened from the blink, and he saw what he shouldn't have.

    Kingsley was leaned back, floating over the bed, clearly trying to stay off it. Her hands were balled into fists tight into her chest. He legs dangled off the ground, and held errily still compared to their earlier flailing.

   Reid locked eyes with him. His hands were wrapped around her wrists, for the moment. Before he had bound them with one hand and had the other pressed into the small of her back trying to bring her to him. Reid lowed the glock slowly and stuffed it into his holster. Adam released Caitlin and she flopped onto the bed.

"Por que non me vai axudar?"

Reid felt ashamed he couldn't decipher the cry for help.

And so he back out of the room.

Chapter 3
Her Only Savior

   Quantico remained unchanged as the five arrived back. Caitlin stayed clear of Adam and vice versa. Reid couldn't make eye contact. Hotchner didn't gloat on his victory over the girl, nor did she challenge him again. Something was up. Only Reid knew.

   The blonde woman left the building early that night, the crisp air calling her. The high wind drew her in. Before she left, she said her goodbyes, but only to Reid did her lips come close to his ear and she whispered,"Segue a calleach, que pode levar vostede. Siga, siga, siga ..." Her tempting taunt led Reid out of his seat and he followed her into the spring time night, gone awry.
   Halfway through the cities streets, he gained his composure and asked himself what he was doing. Ready to turn around, he saw Kingsley go into a old complex, some kind of rotten building, clearly abandon. Peering in the windows, all was dark, only a single candle shone and it was all that was seen and Reid turned and fled the scene to the cafe next door.

  Kingsley continued inside. Where was Adam? He was going to meet her here. She was going to end it. He was...violent. It would only get worse with time, wouldn't it? He was no where near the 15 year old she remember just some years ago. That egotistical body weight must 'ev gone to his head....

"Kitty," whispered a voice, and she held her hand over her mouth, something she had learned to use because nothing stopped the screams, the fear, and the nightmares. You can only stop the world from noticing.
   Realizing it was Adam, she drew closer to what her hands analyzed as a door frame. Where was the light? A single candle shone but nothing else. She had to get home or Madame would worry....

"Over here dear," the deep voice haunted again. She held out her hand to feel and again she lightly screamed at the touch of familiar too-big hands. Just because they were familiar doesn't make them nice. 

  The hands gently tugged on her hands and she took that as a signal to come forward...hesitantly. Greeted not by a gentle kiss, but by a blow to the head that caused her to flaw limp in the brawny man's arms.

Reid had this odd feeling. He shouldn't have left Kingsley alone. She clearly called on him in her weird-witchy-tongue and it felt mean to have denied her. Couldn't she have done it in freaking English though? Slowly Reid got up and left the shop and decided to check on the building next door.
It was the scream he first heard. Silent and juvenile, he recognized the high-pitched, terrified voice. Caitlin..., he thought. She probably just turned a corner and scared herself silly. Or maybe...some one had her. Pulling the gun from his pocket, he was determined not to leave her this time.

   The candle gave him more sight the longer he stared at it, the light adjusting. Reid was scared at what he would see. He didn't like it. He held in the vomit, the field was not his place. He looked a pictures...he dealed with the aftermath! Not this! Anything but this....

   She was strapped to the vermilion couch, her hair matted and dried with the same color. All the blood...she must be afraid. was asleep. Dead? She wouldn't go without a good hell of a fight. 

   He disgusting boyfriend...the one with the huge biceps...he was ripping off his clothes. Kingsley still had on the brown dress with the pinafore and petticoat. A corset no doubt lurked behind it all.

   Reid was about to call the police when-He saw the gleam of them in the light, when had they opened so wide? Wide with fear. Her blue eyes shone in the candle light and as Adam was ready to pounce, Kingsley's eyes were glued to his and Reid's heart was on fire. Reid didn't know what had possessed him but his index finger buckled and the gunshot fired and it went through Adam's temple.

   Then suddenly, Gideon and Morgan passed him and Reid fell to the floor, he scrambled over to Kingsley who only stared at him.

"T-thank you," she whispered.

And he couldn't say your welcome

He didn't have the right.

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