(on left) Trism hugging Liir (on right) Galinda in Elphie's face (ON TOP) Galinda, Elphie, and Fiyero on the Witch's broom (ON BOTTOM) Candle, Liir, and Trism love triangle This is by a girl who does a lot of stuff on Devianart. I don't think I spelled that right. Liir is mad at Elphie because SON OF A WITCH Is hitting Broadway. So funny. Liir holding his and Candle's baby and Trism thinks it his. Shiz lol. NOW I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!! |

this was funny
scratch the Liir and Candle thing...there is no pictures on that.
Poor Liir. Knocked out of the sky, raped and then loses Trism. And that doesn't even start on the disappointment of Out of Oz. Maguire delights in giving anti-heroes and anti-heroines unsatisfactory endings.