Sunday, June 24, 2012

ASIAN INVASION!!!!!! (Of my mind... -_-')

Sorry I haven't posted in forever.

OMGEEEEEE!!!!!! I've read and watched and studied so many different Japanese things (mangas, animes, the language) this week!!!!! And I'm having a blast!

 I started reading Vampire Knight and it is one of the best mangas I've read in my life. ZERO IS SO SEXYYYYY!!!!!! And being voiced by Vic Mignona in the anime just makes him that much better. Vic is one of the better voice actors in the anime. When I watched the first couple of episodes and heard Yuki's voice...It. Was. Awful. WHY WOULD THEY CAST HER!?!?!? Are they trying to keep up the high-pitched-raspy-annoying-anime-heroine stereotype going? She either acts too much, or not enough. Usually not enough. I have been getting used to it though. Thank God they have some good voices to make up for the main character sounding so awful (Vic. And Travis vampire hunterrrrr....). Overall, it's just amazing. But Kaname is kind of a jerk sometimes to Zero, and I don't like that. Like, seriously, if he says one more thing to Zero about how Zero's gonna turn into a level E vampire and go on a blood-thirsty rampage like a monster... grrrrr.... Level E vampires are still vampires. The Aristocrats and the Purebloods don't need to act so superior. And another thing, Zero has bitten Yuki. Twice. That can't be healthy for her.

On another anime/manga topic, Code Geass. A. MA. ZING. I've only seen a little bit, but wow. It's just. wow. And there are also some sexy guys :3 LELOUCH!!! And Suzaku, but they don't show him quite as much in the first episode. It's pretty much like "Suzaku! I haven't seen you in forever. And now your in the Brittanian army." "Yeah. Well, you're a terrorist." "Am not!!" and then "Suzaku, shoot the terrorist." "No. He's not a terrorist." "Fine. then I'll shoot you. *Shoot*" "*"dies"*" (He doesn't really die. It just looks like it.) And I am soooo glad they didn't go all CGI on the knightmares. They tend to do that with big stuff like that (Example: Envy's true form (The dinosaur-ish one. Not the actual one) in FMA Brotherhood.) And I love how Lelouch was trying to hide from people who were about to kill him and his phone rang. And then when he hung up, the girl on the other end was like "HOW RUDE!!!". If Lelouch would've answered the phone, he would've been soooo screwed. SO DON'T BE WHINING ABOUT HIM HANGING UP ON YOU! And, get this, I have yet to find ONE bad voice in the anime. So far, it's pretty much great.

And, to close, I've been trying to learn Japanese. I'm learning the Hiragana syllabary first, then Katakana, then Kanji (If I do ever get around to studying all of them.) (I hope I'm spelling these correctly.). Kanji will take forever to learn. And then, after that, there's the actual meanings of words, and grammer, then once I do all that, I'll still probably have to work on pronunciation. As English speakers, we have a tendancy to stress some syllables of words, and it apperently sounds weird in Japanese, so I'll have to work on that.

I am tired, and I am leaving.

-Demytra Nom (I just felt like spelling out my whole name. Idk why.) (OH! I played the demo for the newest Kingdom Hearts game coming out! I'm so excited!! One more month!)

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