Saturday, July 14, 2012

Of Mice and Flaming Homosexual Men...

And yes. The title is indeed totally relevant to what I'm about to tell you... First off, THERES A MOTHERF**KING MOUSE IN MY ROOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!! It might be gone by now, but idk. My dad's been trying to catch it, but i dont wanna go wake him up. He had surgery recently and i want him to rest. Cuz im just an awesome daughter. Lol jk. Im not that great. And secondly... Well, this of the stupidest thing youve ever been in trouble for, then multiply it by ten. This week I drew a picture of Gakupo Kamui (A Vocaloid. Look him up. Hes sexy.) in his 'The Madness of Duke Venomania' outfit. It looked really good, to be honest. So, I decided to show my family. Which was a mistake. At first, the comments were positive...but then I told them that Gakupo was a guy. Thats when it got bad. My mom was basically yelling at me like, "Demy, why are you drawing gay men?! You know that we don't accept that stuff!!!" and I was just like, "HES NOT FREAKING GAY!!!! guys can have long hair and NOT BE GAY!" and "Hes a Vocaloid. HE CANNOT PHYSICALLY BE GAY! He is data and pixels!" And then the next comment from my big sister was the straw that broke the camels back. "He looks like a faggot." At that point, I ran back up to my room, almost started crying, then contemplated tearing up one of my best drawings. Thats just how pi$$ed off i was. And then today we got into another argument about it. She made fun of it over and over and over, and said how I shouldn't be accepting homosexuals. I fonally just told her to leave (the house. Not just the room.). She left. I was happier. I was even happier when my dad told me something Jesus said. "He who has no sin, cast the first stone." (something like that). Meaning, you have sin too, so dont think that you can persecute other people. A sin is a sin, and everyone's done it. Im still mad at my sister though. Has anyone just critisized something you were so proud of? It hurts really bad. I mean, everyone thinks its great, but my mom decided to keep it secret that it was a boy. I mean HEAVEN FORBID I be able show people who I actually am, and what I actually like. Yeah, I dont like being shallow and critical, like SOME people in my family, and I am perfectly fine with that. I'd rather people like me for WHO I am. Anyway, on a less aggrevating note, My theatre workshop this week went awesome. I got a solo in 'Consider Yourself'. So that was cool. And I got to hear some beautiful singing by a boy there. He also played Tugger in Cats, on the nights Tony was being Macavity. We will call this beautiful singing boy Oliver. He is just so amazing. He sang 'Close Every Door' at the performance, and it was just wonderful <3 im glad my mom recorded him singing (But I kinda feel like a stalker...) Oh well. Hes my friend. And guess what? My little bro thinks hes gay. dont you just love my wonderful homophobic family? Changing subjects now. I got an awesome video game yesterday! Its called "Tales of the Abyss". Maybe youve heard of it. Either way, it is epic! Ive played it like 7 hours already. Idk who my favorite character is yet... I really like Luke, but Guy is just so awesome. Lol. Guy and his fear of girls... And Jade is pretty awesome. Hes good lookin ;) and Ion is pretty cute. But Mieu is just ADORABLE! I love how Luke is always so mean to him, but Mieu is pretty fine with it. And thenthe part where Mieu was like "Uh, Master...? Im a boy..." and Luke was like "Well you sure as h*** dont sound like one!". But rither way, the game is pretty interesting so far. I still dont really understand all of the fons and fonons, but im learning. And I already drew a picture of Luke lol. You know what my moms reaction to seeing it was? "... So thats a boy too?" RAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!!! Idk if i just cant make boys look masculine, or what it is! I just seem to not be able to convince anyone that the guys I draw with long hair are not gay by definition!!! Blegh... Im tired. Good night. ~Demy (I really hope that mouse still isnt in my room)

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