Wednesday, September 5, 2012


"'chick' has her a good boyfriend this is what he told me about 'chick' ~well i like that she is pretty and nice and honest and she is the only thing i care about and i will do anything for her and shes very pretty and i wouldnt trade her for anything in the world♥ now aint that sweet ♥" said by one if the tall ones friends on his facebook page. I shouldn't care, but I'm so close to commenting. He said the same exact thing to me not two weeks before he broke up with me. SAME EXACT THING!!! I'm just tryin to save her. No, I'm not. I'm just pisses he would say that. It's like "Oh I love you!" after like... A week. Love takes time. I said I love you a few times. First to the ginger. It was never there. Then to the tall one. It was fake to him. I dont understand why guys think this is a freaking game! To girls, it's real! It's not okay to mess with our hearts. Just a reference guys. Keep it in mind.

Well, meg explained the guy I like on her latest post. I shall call him... 'The tall blonde' just because he's tall and blonde. He's just adorable. My mom doesn't like him. In his pictures on Facebook, he always has a girl in them and doesn't look happy. I'm like "mom. Guys almost never look happy in pictures. They try to look seductive." although he doesn't so, there's that.

My friend, the shorty I shall call her, is going to make me talk to the tromboner tomorrow. I recently found out they went out together for two weeks to make me "jealous." Why? I don't know. Yes, it would now. But, me and the shorty are good friends. Why would she want to do that? But anyway, she brought it up AS WE ARE STANDING BESIDE HIM!!!! I'm like, "hahaha... Wait... What???" trying to act all casual. "Hahah. Yeah. You were so mad." She's sayin this and the whole time my eye is twitching and I'm taking deep breaths so I can calm myself. "Well, I could imagine." "You used to like, be obsessed with him too!!" shaking with fury. "No. I just used to like him a lot. Just a crush." "remember when he threw a fit when you had to sit by him!!" "yessss. It made me really sad too. It was my birthday. It was only one day and he wouldn't sit by me." "Aww. That sucks." "yeah,"*glance at tromboner*"it did." so, she is gonna try to make me talk to him. 'Baby steps.' she said. Hahahaha. This is NOT going to be fun.

I have a goal paper due Friday and I haven't even started it. I dont have any idea what to do. I think I'm just gonna take the f and flunk this quarter and make it up next quarter. No I don't want to, but there is no way I'm going to get a two page essay done by tomorrow. This is what I get for being a procrastinator.

Peace out peeps. And may the odds be ever in your favor.
Crystal Poppin

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