Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I've been trying to come up with a creepy voice to use for Flotsam. Time to try and imitate Envy! *determination face*

Okay, and am I the only one who never really put two and two together and noticed that Ariel was naked when Ursula turned her human? Because when I watched it for the first time in quite a while, I realized that the only thing she would be wearing is her bra... Children's movies...

Anyway, rehearsals tonight went well.
We all introduced ourselves and announced what part we were. THERE ARE 15 MERSISTERS. ARIEL SHOULD ONLY HAVE 6 SISTERS. And then we were told to go sit by people who would have our parts on our off-nights. Since I'm Flotsam for all 8 shows, I just sat by Jetsam like, "Yup. We're bad@$$es." I'm glad that Jetsam is being played by someone I can stand, because we're going to have to practically joined at the hip for the next couple months.
After we were all grouped up, we started going through all the songs together, and it was very interesting. Daughters of Triton was kind of funny because they haven't cast certain parts for the mersisters yet, so like everyone was just like "Ah ah ah AH Ah ah ahhhh~~~~"
She's in Love went...erk. Apparently like everyone had been messing up the notes, even at auditions. Heheh... Whoops...?
Part of your world was HILARIOUS! Both Ariels stood up by the piano and sang at the same time and made it all dramatic, like making faces and staring at each other and holding hands. It was interesting.
Poor Unfortunate Souls could've been better. All FOUR Ursulas stood by the piano and sang, and were not in sync quite a bit of the time. And they totally sang over Jetsam and my parts :( lol. They didn't even know that we had solos in the song I guess lol. Then they said sorry for not letting us sing and we were just like, "It's ok! We love you anyway, masters!" Then one Ursula started fanning herself with her script, all diva-like, and was like, "Look at all the loyalty from my servants!"
When one Ursula saw how much I was laughing she looked over at me all seriously like, "It's not that funny." I felt sad, even though I'm pretty sure she was kidding. I think... And I thought she was nice! She gave me a hug yesterday!
Les Poissans was funny. Our Chef Louis is AMAZING! He could pass as the movie or Broadway version easily.
At the part in Kiss the Girl where Ariel and Eric are about to kiss, Jetsam and I were just like "lolnope. BZZZT!" Because...they electrocute the...boat...heh...
And in the Finale song we were just like "We're dead. What are we supposed to do...?"
It was funny how they had us sing in other group songs too... It's like, "We're plotting your demise, but we'll sing with you~~~"
We went back and worked on the finale again, and the music director accidentally called our Price Eric 'Prince Ariel'. It was freaking hilarious...


Sexy Triton didn't show up for rehearsal :(
You'd think he would, considering I'm pretty sure he's the director's son.
Le sigh.

Enough about LM.

I don't even remember what happened after school. When we were at Crystal's locker. I don't even know. I remember trying to fight away Kaiden. That's it. I don't remember why, but Viktor and I did. I don't even know what happened before that.
Maybe it didn't really happen. Maybe I'm imagining it. Maybe I'm just pulling a Nora. *shrug*

Have I ever told you that eel tastes amazing? Because it does. I'M FREAKING DELICIOUS.

And "Nooooooo!!" is actually my last line in LM. When I'm like dying.
I guess it's better than in the movie where we're DISINTEGRATED.
Ahh the wonderfullness of my various death scenes. Yaaaaayy.

I need sleep.

I might/might not be able to go to Les Mis tomorrow :( Most likely I will, but my mom doesn't want me to miss church.
Hey, Mom. One night won't hurt. You should know. There were very long periods of time where we did not attend.
I'm not saying I don't want to go, but you shouldn't have to feel like "Oh I have to go to church or God will hate me," because that's not what it's actually like. If you feel like your being forced into church, that's probably not helping you much either.
Just saying.
And don't take my word for stuff. I ain't no preacher.

I hate that word. Why did I use it? ...ain't... Ugh...

I'm a little loopy...

I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......

Sweeeet chiiiiiild,
poor child,
so tragic,
so misunderstooooood~

Deeaaar chiiild,
Sad child,
Life is looking, shall we say,
Not good

-Demy the eel

Just to creep the s#!t out of you.

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