Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cats and cats

My hand hurts so baaaaadddd!!!!!!! I hope my kitten is happy that I am now unable to use hand sanitizer... I seriously put some on today and I was aboit to scream in class (if I wasn't screaming already... Actually it was kinda just saying "Owowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or something like that.)

And speaking of cats, I think I have my costume design in my head. Sure, I might end up looking like a punk version of Demeter and Munkustrap's child, but whatever... I'm gonna have fun. There's a cute boy playing the Rum Tum Tugger. He might be gay, and he's a year younger than me, but he is so awesome!!! He's also playing Misto and Macavity! MEOW! Oh, and playing Victoria, (drumroll) may I introduce FATTY!!! She's a girl that we really don't like, and she's pretty chunky. And she's playing Victoria. How is that supposed to work whith her and Plato's little mating dance and all, where he lifts her up. I don't see that happening. And she's not evwn that goos of a dancer, I'm pretty sure that she just got that part cuz jer parenrs are involved on the theater company that's putting on Cats. But either way, Fattie got Victoria, and that makes me mad. (wow, when I get going on Cats it takes me a while, doesn't it? I know I've annoyed Crys and Meg with it plenty of times... Oh well...)

Peace out,


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