Thursday, February 9, 2012

Meg's Disgusting Bulimic Death Day

So, I got in to Biology Half way. I got into it as in elective (like Crys) but not the class (Demy, Christine and Nessa). (Lucky Ducks) I don't think I'll take it...I don't know. I don't want to waste an elective.

On a lighter note, I almost died-no scratch that-did die today. Several times. so, quote time because it tells the story (as we know I love to tell...)

It was supposedly cold outside (I think their just sissies) I lurved it. I kinda sparkle in the light and turn blue cuz I'm so albino pale. (lol) Demy was soooo cold (I was wearing short sleeves mind you, and she long. Christine even had a jacket) so Christine goes

"Meg, why don't you just give Demy you shirt?"

"I would but my tank top shows my cleavage" (against school rules. Boo hoo, I have breasts. It's commonly known women have them, we should be aloud to show bear chest, helps with health right?)

So we are laughing and laughing and laughing when

"Gccgghhkkk!!!" I start choking and clichely grasp my throat as if to dislodge it from my neck. Ugh. I swallowed my gum like a spazz. I died a little.

"Can you throw up gum?"


"K, I'm gonna do that"

"Bulimic much?"

Oh, and I'm Miss America. "FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!!!"


-Gotta go! Try to finish on OG Glinda's Foretelling. Haven't posted in like a month


Crap! I gotta go be Bulimic and puke up my gum too! Sigh

O.G. Soap Opera
What Stephanie Meyer Didn't Say
Hunger Mania:A Hunger Games Story

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