Sunday, April 15, 2012


*sigh* I talked to 'the tall one' today. He's coming back up here in June! I cannot wait! It's soooo far away though, it's only April now. Two more months. That makes me sad thinking about it, but happy to know that I will see him again. Gosh, I still hardly know anything about him. I know he is getting his own phone in two weeks, and that my state and his state are in two different time zones so his time is two hours ahead of my time. So, in his state, it's about 1 o'clock in the morning and here it's like 11 o'clock. So I only got to talk to him for like 30 minuets, but 30 minuets is better than none at all. That is for damn sure. The ginger is still mad at me, yet still talks to me, in person at least. He supposed to prove that he likes me tomorrow, can't wait to see this. Can't wait to show his girlfriend his stupid note! No, I take it back, I wouldn't do that. I may not like like him anymore, but I still want to talk to him, just not in a touchy-feely way. Meg, don't get mad at me, he is a complete douche about what he did, but I want to talk to him still. Please don't get mad, and trust me, I won't EVER like like him again. He says it to me all the time and all I say back is "Prove it." which is why tomorrow he is supposed to prove that he likes me. In other news, I shot my first gun, other than at hunting events, today. I'm a pretty good shot... When I can stabilize it. IT KEPT MOVING!!! RIGHT WHEN I WOULD GET IT PERFECT, IT WOULD FREAKING MOVE!!! Gosh, my arm strength is like zero. So, I sat it on a saw horse and hit them almost every time. We only shot cans, and one lid, but that's it. It's not like I was going snipeing.(everyday I'm sniperin') Demy, the flirt, and I have gone snipein' before. It was fun. YOUR LEFT OUT MEG GIRY!!! You left before we could go snipeing. Lol, ok, music man is this weekend, so, no more working on Rube Goldburg. And we can't use the stupid platform that you guys talked about. We can't build it I mean. So, we're gonna knock over the dominos(1), dominos hit block(2), block hits lever(3), lever knocks weight into cup(4), cup works on pulley pulling wood lever up(5), wood lever hits car(6), car hits ball(7), ball hits spray paint can(8) spray paint can hits wall(9), wall hits easy button(10). Voila! Idk, we might do the track only and that be our first step, but like this we for sure have 10 steps and extra credit if we do the track. If we're allowed to hold it, defiantly, but if we're, then idk what we'll do. I realize you viewers have no idea what I'm talking about, but this bottom part was mainly for Meg and Demy. Okay, I'm done now. Sweet dreams my peeps.(Good night my tall one good night my love..)

Your light headed, Crystal Poppin'

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