Sunday, April 29, 2012

Two days in st. Louis


"Where'd my hair brush gooooo? It's my favorite hairbrush! It's my only hairbrush. :(" -Meg looking in her duffle bag for her hairbrush

"Awww, my foots stuck." -Meg who stuck her foot under the bus seat

*Sees a unicorn with four horns* "Not a unicorn, but a polycorn. Not one horn, but many." -Meg

"You have eye bobbies!!!" -Fishy talking about my squid hat I won.

"Hey, Hey, Meggie, did you know cats can't move their jaw from side to side?" -Me
"How,how is that important???" -Meg
"... It's not." -Me

"Phycologist pillow!" Christine

"What? What is that in the aisle I see? Is that, is that a leg??" -Choir director talking about my leg laying across the seats of the aisle

"Were you Spanish right then?" -Christine
"Yes I was, I can also do British." -Me
"That's Italian! What about German?"
"*makes sound like hacking up a luggie*" -Me
"THAT'S RUSSIAN!!!" -Christine

"Come to the dark side, we have the magical squid head." -Me

"What is that?" -Me
"It could be a UFB." -Christine
"UFB?" -Me
"Unidentified Flying Banana." -Christine

Meg, you missed the whole conversation between Christine and I about ufo's and crap. It was sooo funny. I Almost pushed Meg out of the boat on a scooby doo ride. Stupid car came out of nowhere.

Crystal :(:

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