Sunday, April 8, 2012


I'm depressed. My new boyfriend went back Georgia Saturday. He texted me happy Easter, but he didn't respond after that. I don't think he'll come up again until summer either. So, I have to wait until around May 30th to see him. And that's if his school gets out the same time as our school! I miss him sooo much. "That's why you don't get a boyfriend that lives in a completely different state." from the mouth of Demy last night over text. I miss you *****!!!!! I'm not gonna say his name on the blog you stalkers!!! I wish I could have seen him off. But of course, I was with my parent at the time, and they(meaning only one parent)don't approve of my boyfriend. He smelt good. I mean, I didn't try to smell him. I just stood close to him and smelt his... Cologne possibly. I don't know, it could be his actual smell. He smelt awesome though. It was funny when we were getting ready to leave though. Well, not funny, I wanted to cry, but, kinda funny. We're getting ready to leave and he comes up to my mom and goes, "I need a number." "My number?" "No, hers." and I am standing right beside him! She starts laughing and goes, "Then why don't you ask her?" he blushes majorly and goes, "Oh, yeah. I'm smart." he turns to me and just looks at me. I get tired of staring, and say, "I need paper, and s pencil." I give him my number and we leave. I almost cried on the way home. So now, I only see him in my dreams. If only he could move up here. No, that wouldn't work. He would want one of the s**** that go to our school and dump me for a b**** like them. That's why you get an out of state guy Demy. Oh yeah, 'the tall one' goes to a private school, so he's really smart. Big improvement from the last bf. Anyway, I'm sad about that. I'm gonna go now and try to dream about him. Merry Easter to all, and to all a good night. Lol night guys.

Crystal Poppin

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