So, Meg came up with this awesome idea, and I decided to make it into a comic. She was like, "Shouldn't Sarah be worried about Kain exploding her face while they're cuddling or something, like if he was holding her?" (Something like that.)
And thus, I created this.
And I love it.
Kain's face in the last panel makes me feel like such a bad person...
Meg Giry, Nessarose Thropp, Crystal Poppin', Christine Daae, Demy Nom. Five girls. Five different stories. One diary on one website. This is a blog like no other.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Alrighty. I am almost done writing my Kain oneshot. It is very long and very choppy. I hope you will enjoy it. :D
I'm going over to Meg's house later!! Whoop! But I'm bummed that Crys can't come... :( it SUUUCKS. But Crys wouldn't really like the fact that we'd probably make her watch Soul Eater and Les Mis xD Even though it is amazing. Hugh Jackman~ Psh. He's pretty sexy.
I mean... Just look at this face.
I'm going over to Meg's house later!! Whoop! But I'm bummed that Crys can't come... :( it SUUUCKS. But Crys wouldn't really like the fact that we'd probably make her watch Soul Eater and Les Mis xD Even though it is amazing. Hugh Jackman~ Psh. He's pretty sexy.
I mean... Just look at this face.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Okay, I never post anymore. I just really use blogger to keep my stories, which is all I've been doing. I think this happened last time after the Music Man. I was so used to being away from Blogger, I just...didn't get on.
Okay...not much to say, I guess. Demy's coming over tomorrow~~ Crystal can't. I'm so sad....and I got grapes and everything....
Demy and I are gonna go see the host
And hopefully watch Les Mis....
Okay, we couldn't finish it, but we can try. I WILL DEFY TIME SO THAT WE CAN FINISH IT.
Imma work on something other than a WWTC one shot tonight. I need to work on my Sebby story...but my Black Butler tank is low....Demy gave me her ipod so that I could read the manga...I need to download more chapters....And (don't shoot) I don't like the manga characters as much as the anime so far. I guess I'm just bored cause the story is identical with the anime so far, so I'm like,"I know what's going on...." and manga Ciel just isn't as...interesting. Nor is Sebastian. He's all open and isn't as mysterious....Idk. I just didn't like it as far....
Kk. Gonna either work on my Sebby story or the Haru and Momi story....
Nope. Imma comin' Sebby.
Okay...not much to say, I guess. Demy's coming over tomorrow~~ Crystal can't. I'm so sad....and I got grapes and everything....
Demy and I are gonna go see the host
And hopefully watch Les Mis....
Okay, we couldn't finish it, but we can try. I WILL DEFY TIME SO THAT WE CAN FINISH IT.
Imma work on something other than a WWTC one shot tonight. I need to work on my Sebby story...but my Black Butler tank is low....Demy gave me her ipod so that I could read the manga...I need to download more chapters....And (don't shoot) I don't like the manga characters as much as the anime so far. I guess I'm just bored cause the story is identical with the anime so far, so I'm like,"I know what's going on...." and manga Ciel just isn't as...interesting. Nor is Sebastian. He's all open and isn't as mysterious....Idk. I just didn't like it as far....
Kk. Gonna either work on my Sebby story or the Haru and Momi story....
Nope. Imma comin' Sebby.
Someone Who Understands
I drew the curtains shut and curled back into bed, clutching the blankets closer, even though it was summer and I was burning up. I didn't want to leave my room. I just wanted to lay here for the rest of the day. I am sooo lazy... But I didn't really have anything else to do anyway. With Theo staying in Central for the summer, I didn't have anyone to annoy, or really to just talk to. I mean, I could talk to Mother or Father, but I'm just closer to Theo.
There was a knock at my door. "Sarah," my mom called. "May and Al will be leaving soon. Get up." Auntie May and Uncle Al had stayed at our house last night. I generally enjoyed when they came over, but their baby crying all night didn't allow for very sound sleep.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, pulling the covers off, then yawned as I ambled to the door. I fumbled for the door handle and walked out into the hall, making my way towards the living room, where Uncle Al sat in the chair, bouncing his little daughter on his knee, her giggling in delight.
"Well, look who's back from the dead," Mom mocked as I entered the room. Aunt May giggled and hugged me.
"Aww, I'm going to miss you," she crooned, then took the baby from Al as he stood.
He came over and embraced me as well. He'd gotten considerably stronger than the last time he was here, which wasn't long after we'd gotten back from Ishval.
Al walked over to Dad and they bumped their fists together, grinning. "Some boy's gonna snatch her up, Ed," Al laughed, winking at Father.
"Too late," dad groaned.
"I know," Uncle taunted. "Just wanted to hear what you thought about it."
"Get out," Dad joked, punching Al's arm and pointing to the door. I liked seeing Dad smile. It wasn't too often that he did, and it was usually mostly around Uncle, though he didn't visit often.
May and Mother exchanged hugs and then Aunt May and Uncle Al were headed out the door. I wondered when the next time they were going to visit was. I mean, I know Xing is far away, and that it's hard to travel with a child, but I wish they would come over more often.
Deciding I had nothing else to do, I headed back to my room.
"And where do you think you're going?" Mom asked in a condescending tone.
I stopped and sighed. "My room?"
"I don't think so. You've been in there all day. It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon."
"That early?" I yawned.
Mom rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh.
"Fine!" I groaned as melodramatic as possible. "Just let me go get dressed." I made my way back to my room and dug through my trunk containing my clothes. I switched my nightgown with a white skirt going to my knees, and a sleeveless white blouse with a black bow at my neck.
Grabbing my beige messenger bag and strapping on my sandals, I headed out of the house, telling Mom that I was going to town. I knew it was quite a long walk, but I wanted time alone.
Setting out on the dirt path that ran for miles, I took in a deep breath of the fresh air, realizing I hadn't been outside in a while. I hadn't cared to. Since Theo left, I hadn't really had the will to do much of anything. It was weird. I just couldn't function correctly anymore unless I was around Theo, or Maes, or Clint, or Kain. Like they were my only grip on reality. The only way I can know I'm not the only one who's had nightmares. I know Theo has them, though he wouldn't admit it. Losing Alphonse had put them there, then everything that had resulted from that. I knew Maes and Clint had nightmares as well. About...Travis.
Travis... Not a day went by that I didn't think of him. The pain was less intense now, but I still would never be able to forget what he did.
Just remembering his playful smile warmed my heart and brought out my own smile, which I knew hadn't surfaced in quite some time.
I shifted my bag to my other shoulder and kicked up dust as I walked. Maybe I should've worn close-toed shoes. My feet were going to be absolutely filthy by the time I would even get to town, which I didn't think was too far away by then.
I passed by the little cemetery as I walked. It brought on unpleasant thoughts, which I wouldn't like to go into detail on, though you could probably guess.
Some shops and stores came into view and I knew I had reached my destination. I walked through the crowds of people, who were all abuzz about something or other. Probably some sort of gossip I wouldn't care about, so I decided to ignore them.
I went over to a little fruit stand run by a lady whom I've known forever, though I hadn't seen in a few years.
"Well, if it isn't Sarah Elric!"
"Hey, Sage," I giggled, sitting my bag on the ground a moment.
"Haven't seen you in a while. What'cha been up to?" she asked, the streaks of silver in her hair glistening in the sunlight.
"Nothing much," I replied. "Just the usual."
She laughed and grinned. "You are just the cutest thing ever, you know that?" she said, the way adults will. (Mrs. Adams reference :D) (delete this once you read it, Meg)
I grinned awkwardly, not knowing how to reply.
"You know what?" she said, tossing me an apple from the basket on her stand. "Anything you want is on the house."
"Thanks," I laughed, fumbling to catch the apple. I put it and a few oranges in my bag. I waved to her and went on my way.
A few boys glanced over at me as I walked by, one even giving a wolf whistle. Pigs. I kept on my way, trying to ignore them, but they weren't just going to let me do that. A couple of them stayed on my trail as I continued shopping around. After I bought a loaf of bread from one man, I coundn't take those boys trailing me any longer. I saw the flower shop up ahead and decided I would lose them by sneaking in there. Surely I'd be hidden by the bustling crowd. I make my way over to the doors and slid inside, glancing warily out of the small window to see if I'd lost them. Luckily, they didn't see me. I let out a sigh of relief.
But I did draw the attention of one other boy. The customer talking with the shop owner, buying roses. When he turned around, I saw his eyes. The same color as the flowers in his hand, his hair the same color of the petals of the daisies on display. I was in total shock. To run into him here, in Resembool, after not having seen him in months. "Kain..."
He gave me his half smile, holding out the roses. "For you."
My face turned bright red as I gingerly took the bouquet from his hands. I beamed up at him, then wrapped my arms around his neck, tears building up and threatening to fall. He hugged my waist and I could hear his deep, warm laugh.
"I missed you..." I said with a waver in my voice.
He squeezed my waist tighter. "I missed you too."
We headed back towards my house, our fingers intertwined. I held the flowers with my free hand, bringing them to my nose about every two minutes. Gah, how sweet was he?
"I'm sorry for not coming to see you in a while," Kain apologized.
"4 and a half months..." I mumbled. Then louder, "It's fine. I mean, I've missed you, but it's all been fine." Eh. White lies.
"I'm sorry," he chuckled uneasily, running his hand through his hair, which had gotten longer since the last time I'd seen him. He had the longer strands pulled up into a messy ponytail, the shorter strands falling loosely over the nape of his neck. "I've just been busy..."
"With what?"
"Everything," he chortled. "I've just been working a lot of jobs to make some extra money. Roses aren't cheap." He winked at me.
"Aw, don't spend your money on me! You jerk!"
"I'm a jerk for getting the most beautiful girl in the world flowers?"
I blushed deep crimson, bumping him with my shoulder. "Shut up," I laughed.
"You think I'm lying?" he asked, slowing to a stop.
I stood beside him and giggled again. "I don't know."
"Oh really?" He removed his hand from mine, moving it to the small of my back and pulling me closer, forcefully pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes in pure bliss, my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair and pulling him as close as possible.
I could stay like this forever... Him, holding me as if his life depended on it, I happily recieving it. Kain... The boy who risked his life to save mine, still willing to give himself over to me completely. This brave, strong boy, seeming totally vulnerable in my arms, yet with more power than ever.
And this bittersweet feeling, knowing I couldn't have him as much as I craved. That he was too distant to reach, even if he was physically right next to me.
We seperated, still keeping our lips mere inches apart, our foreheads touching.
"I love you, Sarah..."
My breath caught. Every time I heard those words from his mouth, which was seldom, I lost all feeling. Nothing at all but blissful agony. I love him so much...but I can never... We would never be able keep this up if we kept this distance between us. Each time he left for Ishval, it would feel like daggers piercing my heart. I just wanted to follow him. To stay by his side forever. But Mother and Father had made it clear that was never to go to Ishval again... I yearned to break the rule. I could do it now that Kain was here. I could leave with him. Escape Resembool and never come back. I could be with him.
But...I couldn't bring myself to it. I coudn't do that to Mother and Father. I just... I don't know.
But I just wanted to be with Kain so badly it hurt...
"Stay here..." I whispered. "With me..."
His muscles went slightly rigid. "In Resembool?"
"Yes... Please?"
He took a step back. "Sarah... I... I can't."
My heart sunk. "Please..." I begged. "I can't stand it here without you!" Tears formed at the rims of my eyes.
"I just can't, Sarah... I'm sorry," he apologized, looking at the ground and putting his hands in his pockets.
Tears started rolling down my face, defying my objection. "Kain...! Don't you know how much it hurts to be away from you for so long?"
"Sarah..." he sighed, turning away, hanging his head. "I just..."
I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself.
"I... I have too much going on in Ishval right now."
I crossed my arms. "Don't give me that. What's your real reason?" I asked venomously.
He inhaled and turned back towards me. "Because-- because I just hate Amestris!" he exploded. I suddenly felt terrible about bringing up the topic. "I can never go anywhere without people staring at me and worrying if I'm going to kill them, just because I'm Ishvallan!" He took another deep breath and ran his hand down his face. "I'm sorry... You know I care for you so much, but... I'm just not ready to deal with that kind of discrimination again."
He had every right to feel this way. I mean, the first time I met him, he was being beaten up by a group of Amestrian teenage boys. No telling what he'd gone through before that. Other than Amestrians killing his parents and destroying his village.
Okay. I'm a total jerk for having brought up the topic.
I took a step towards him and put my hands in his. "Kain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"It's fine."
"Really, I--"
"Don't worry about it." The smile he gave me made my heart break.
I leaned my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"It's getting late," he mumbled. I looked at the sky and saw the sun setting over the hilly horizon of Resembool.
I looked up at him. "I'm sure it would be alright if you stayed with us tonight," I offered. "Theo's in Central, so we have an extra bed."
A grin spread on his face. "I have a better idea."
I gave him a quizzical look as he pulled me off the path and through the meadow full of colorful flowers. After walking for a while, we came to a stop by a large tree.
"How do you feel about camping?" he asked, grinning and sitting down at the base of the tree.
A stupid smile made its way onto my face as I started blushing again. Staying alone? At night? With a boy? I realized that it wouldn't have been much different if he had stayed at my house. It would've been just the two of us, alone in my and Theo's room. So... It was pretty much the same as staying with him out here, right?
I plopped down beside him, still a bit nervous, but relaxed, yet afraid, but still happy. In other words, it was like I was ten bipolar people all in one.
I mean I'm 15... and Kain is...18...
Father was going to kill me tomorrow. And you know what? This would be so worth it.
Kain gently kissed my cheek as I sat on his lap under the tree. It was so cozy, curled up against him. It had gotten considerably colder, as almost every summer night does here in Resembool, but Kain's warmth as I leaned on him was more than enough. I sat my head on his chest drowsily, though wishing I wasn't. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to stay here with him. I didn't want this night to end.
Listening to his steady heartbeat was soothing, and made me even more tired. My eyelids drooped, but I willed them to stay open for as long as I could, staying in this moment as long as possible. "I love you..." I sighed in a sleepy daze. Please don't let this night end... I can't let him go again...
He smoothed my hair and planted a kiss on top of my head. I could feel him smiling. His warm, beautiful smile.
I gave a smile of satisfaction before I drifted off to sleep. I hoped to dream of Kain. No nightmares. Just him. But if I did have a nightmare, he could be the only one to comfort me. Because he understands.
I drew the curtains shut and curled back into bed, clutching the blankets closer, even though it was summer and I was burning up. I didn't want to leave my room. I just wanted to lay here for the rest of the day. I am sooo lazy... But I didn't really have anything else to do anyway. With Theo staying in Central for the summer, I didn't have anyone to annoy, or really to just talk to. I mean, I could talk to Mother or Father, but I'm just closer to Theo.
There was a knock at my door. "Sarah," my mom called. "May and Al will be leaving soon. Get up." Auntie May and Uncle Al had stayed at our house last night. I generally enjoyed when they came over, but their baby crying all night didn't allow for very sound sleep.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, pulling the covers off, then yawned as I ambled to the door. I fumbled for the door handle and walked out into the hall, making my way towards the living room, where Uncle Al sat in the chair, bouncing his little daughter on his knee, her giggling in delight.
"Well, look who's back from the dead," Mom mocked as I entered the room. Aunt May giggled and hugged me.
"Aww, I'm going to miss you," she crooned, then took the baby from Al as he stood.
He came over and embraced me as well. He'd gotten considerably stronger than the last time he was here, which wasn't long after we'd gotten back from Ishval.
Al walked over to Dad and they bumped their fists together, grinning. "Some boy's gonna snatch her up, Ed," Al laughed, winking at Father.
"Too late," dad groaned.
"I know," Uncle taunted. "Just wanted to hear what you thought about it."
"Get out," Dad joked, punching Al's arm and pointing to the door. I liked seeing Dad smile. It wasn't too often that he did, and it was usually mostly around Uncle, though he didn't visit often.
May and Mother exchanged hugs and then Aunt May and Uncle Al were headed out the door. I wondered when the next time they were going to visit was. I mean, I know Xing is far away, and that it's hard to travel with a child, but I wish they would come over more often.
Deciding I had nothing else to do, I headed back to my room.
"And where do you think you're going?" Mom asked in a condescending tone.
I stopped and sighed. "My room?"
"I don't think so. You've been in there all day. It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon."
"That early?" I yawned.
Mom rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh.
"Fine!" I groaned as melodramatic as possible. "Just let me go get dressed." I made my way back to my room and dug through my trunk containing my clothes. I switched my nightgown with a white skirt going to my knees, and a sleeveless white blouse with a black bow at my neck.
Grabbing my beige messenger bag and strapping on my sandals, I headed out of the house, telling Mom that I was going to town. I knew it was quite a long walk, but I wanted time alone.
Setting out on the dirt path that ran for miles, I took in a deep breath of the fresh air, realizing I hadn't been outside in a while. I hadn't cared to. Since Theo left, I hadn't really had the will to do much of anything. It was weird. I just couldn't function correctly anymore unless I was around Theo, or Maes, or Clint, or Kain. Like they were my only grip on reality. The only way I can know I'm not the only one who's had nightmares. I know Theo has them, though he wouldn't admit it. Losing Alphonse had put them there, then everything that had resulted from that. I knew Maes and Clint had nightmares as well. About...Travis.
Travis... Not a day went by that I didn't think of him. The pain was less intense now, but I still would never be able to forget what he did.
Just remembering his playful smile warmed my heart and brought out my own smile, which I knew hadn't surfaced in quite some time.
I shifted my bag to my other shoulder and kicked up dust as I walked. Maybe I should've worn close-toed shoes. My feet were going to be absolutely filthy by the time I would even get to town, which I didn't think was too far away by then.
I passed by the little cemetery as I walked. It brought on unpleasant thoughts, which I wouldn't like to go into detail on, though you could probably guess.
Some shops and stores came into view and I knew I had reached my destination. I walked through the crowds of people, who were all abuzz about something or other. Probably some sort of gossip I wouldn't care about, so I decided to ignore them.
I went over to a little fruit stand run by a lady whom I've known forever, though I hadn't seen in a few years.
"Well, if it isn't Sarah Elric!"
"Hey, Sage," I giggled, sitting my bag on the ground a moment.
"Haven't seen you in a while. What'cha been up to?" she asked, the streaks of silver in her hair glistening in the sunlight.
"Nothing much," I replied. "Just the usual."
She laughed and grinned. "You are just the cutest thing ever, you know that?" she said, the way adults will. (Mrs. Adams reference :D) (delete this once you read it, Meg)
I grinned awkwardly, not knowing how to reply.
"You know what?" she said, tossing me an apple from the basket on her stand. "Anything you want is on the house."
"Thanks," I laughed, fumbling to catch the apple. I put it and a few oranges in my bag. I waved to her and went on my way.
A few boys glanced over at me as I walked by, one even giving a wolf whistle. Pigs. I kept on my way, trying to ignore them, but they weren't just going to let me do that. A couple of them stayed on my trail as I continued shopping around. After I bought a loaf of bread from one man, I coundn't take those boys trailing me any longer. I saw the flower shop up ahead and decided I would lose them by sneaking in there. Surely I'd be hidden by the bustling crowd. I make my way over to the doors and slid inside, glancing warily out of the small window to see if I'd lost them. Luckily, they didn't see me. I let out a sigh of relief.
But I did draw the attention of one other boy. The customer talking with the shop owner, buying roses. When he turned around, I saw his eyes. The same color as the flowers in his hand, his hair the same color of the petals of the daisies on display. I was in total shock. To run into him here, in Resembool, after not having seen him in months. "Kain..."
He gave me his half smile, holding out the roses. "For you."
My face turned bright red as I gingerly took the bouquet from his hands. I beamed up at him, then wrapped my arms around his neck, tears building up and threatening to fall. He hugged my waist and I could hear his deep, warm laugh.
"I missed you..." I said with a waver in my voice.
He squeezed my waist tighter. "I missed you too."
We headed back towards my house, our fingers intertwined. I held the flowers with my free hand, bringing them to my nose about every two minutes. Gah, how sweet was he?
"I'm sorry for not coming to see you in a while," Kain apologized.
"4 and a half months..." I mumbled. Then louder, "It's fine. I mean, I've missed you, but it's all been fine." Eh. White lies.
"I'm sorry," he chuckled uneasily, running his hand through his hair, which had gotten longer since the last time I'd seen him. He had the longer strands pulled up into a messy ponytail, the shorter strands falling loosely over the nape of his neck. "I've just been busy..."
"With what?"
"Everything," he chortled. "I've just been working a lot of jobs to make some extra money. Roses aren't cheap." He winked at me.
"Aw, don't spend your money on me! You jerk!"
"I'm a jerk for getting the most beautiful girl in the world flowers?"
I blushed deep crimson, bumping him with my shoulder. "Shut up," I laughed.
"You think I'm lying?" he asked, slowing to a stop.
I stood beside him and giggled again. "I don't know."
"Oh really?" He removed his hand from mine, moving it to the small of my back and pulling me closer, forcefully pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes in pure bliss, my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair and pulling him as close as possible.
I could stay like this forever... Him, holding me as if his life depended on it, I happily recieving it. Kain... The boy who risked his life to save mine, still willing to give himself over to me completely. This brave, strong boy, seeming totally vulnerable in my arms, yet with more power than ever.
And this bittersweet feeling, knowing I couldn't have him as much as I craved. That he was too distant to reach, even if he was physically right next to me.
We seperated, still keeping our lips mere inches apart, our foreheads touching.
"I love you, Sarah..."
My breath caught. Every time I heard those words from his mouth, which was seldom, I lost all feeling. Nothing at all but blissful agony. I love him so much...but I can never... We would never be able keep this up if we kept this distance between us. Each time he left for Ishval, it would feel like daggers piercing my heart. I just wanted to follow him. To stay by his side forever. But Mother and Father had made it clear that was never to go to Ishval again... I yearned to break the rule. I could do it now that Kain was here. I could leave with him. Escape Resembool and never come back. I could be with him.
But...I couldn't bring myself to it. I coudn't do that to Mother and Father. I just... I don't know.
But I just wanted to be with Kain so badly it hurt...
"Stay here..." I whispered. "With me..."
His muscles went slightly rigid. "In Resembool?"
"Yes... Please?"
He took a step back. "Sarah... I... I can't."
My heart sunk. "Please..." I begged. "I can't stand it here without you!" Tears formed at the rims of my eyes.
"I just can't, Sarah... I'm sorry," he apologized, looking at the ground and putting his hands in his pockets.
Tears started rolling down my face, defying my objection. "Kain...! Don't you know how much it hurts to be away from you for so long?"
"Sarah..." he sighed, turning away, hanging his head. "I just..."
I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself.
"I... I have too much going on in Ishval right now."
I crossed my arms. "Don't give me that. What's your real reason?" I asked venomously.
He inhaled and turned back towards me. "Because-- because I just hate Amestris!" he exploded. I suddenly felt terrible about bringing up the topic. "I can never go anywhere without people staring at me and worrying if I'm going to kill them, just because I'm Ishvallan!" He took another deep breath and ran his hand down his face. "I'm sorry... You know I care for you so much, but... I'm just not ready to deal with that kind of discrimination again."
He had every right to feel this way. I mean, the first time I met him, he was being beaten up by a group of Amestrian teenage boys. No telling what he'd gone through before that. Other than Amestrians killing his parents and destroying his village.
Okay. I'm a total jerk for having brought up the topic.
I took a step towards him and put my hands in his. "Kain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"It's fine."
"Really, I--"
"Don't worry about it." The smile he gave me made my heart break.
I leaned my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"It's getting late," he mumbled. I looked at the sky and saw the sun setting over the hilly horizon of Resembool.
I looked up at him. "I'm sure it would be alright if you stayed with us tonight," I offered. "Theo's in Central, so we have an extra bed."
A grin spread on his face. "I have a better idea."
I gave him a quizzical look as he pulled me off the path and through the meadow full of colorful flowers. After walking for a while, we came to a stop by a large tree.
"How do you feel about camping?" he asked, grinning and sitting down at the base of the tree.
A stupid smile made its way onto my face as I started blushing again. Staying alone? At night? With a boy? I realized that it wouldn't have been much different if he had stayed at my house. It would've been just the two of us, alone in my and Theo's room. So... It was pretty much the same as staying with him out here, right?
I plopped down beside him, still a bit nervous, but relaxed, yet afraid, but still happy. In other words, it was like I was ten bipolar people all in one.
I mean I'm 15... and Kain is...18...
Father was going to kill me tomorrow. And you know what? This would be so worth it.
Kain gently kissed my cheek as I sat on his lap under the tree. It was so cozy, curled up against him. It had gotten considerably colder, as almost every summer night does here in Resembool, but Kain's warmth as I leaned on him was more than enough. I sat my head on his chest drowsily, though wishing I wasn't. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to stay here with him. I didn't want this night to end.
Listening to his steady heartbeat was soothing, and made me even more tired. My eyelids drooped, but I willed them to stay open for as long as I could, staying in this moment as long as possible. "I love you..." I sighed in a sleepy daze. Please don't let this night end... I can't let him go again...
He smoothed my hair and planted a kiss on top of my head. I could feel him smiling. His warm, beautiful smile.
I gave a smile of satisfaction before I drifted off to sleep. I hoped to dream of Kain. No nightmares. Just him. But if I did have a nightmare, he could be the only one to comfort me. Because he understands.
I Like the Way You Do It- Now readable
I felt a nudge at the back of my head, prodding through my mess of blonde hair. I shook into consciousness, taking in my surroundings.
I was outside. I could feel soft winds rolling over the soft grass I was laying on roll gently over me. It was cool here, and upon grasping my hands into the dirt, I found something hard and rough. I was under the tree in the front yard.
I kept my eyes closed at something hit me again.
"Theeeooo," it whined. No guesses here. Sarah. I groaned, rolling back over.
"Let me sleep."
I sat up for her, glaring her down.
"What do you want?" I hissed, enunciating each word with impatience.
Sarah glared, hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. She eclipsed the sun from my view with her tall frame. She was as skinny as she was tall, but Sarah had certainly grown. She was fifteen now to my seventeen, and it showed. Boys from the village came to the door asking for her sometimes, and it was times like that Father and I armed ourselves with Mother's wrenches, much to Sarah's embarrassment. I knew she didn't care though. After Sarah had kissed Kain, he'd visited off and on whenever he could. Kain was a good kid, and he was good for Sarah. I didn't need an angsty little sister. Mostly, though, Kain helped Sarah forget about Travis. Sarah would never forget him, now. She loved him, and part of her always would, I guess, but it wasn't healthy. She needed something else to love, something strong. Kain was that something.
And as much as Sarah needed Kain, I needed Maes.
I tried not to think about her when we were apart. I just got depressed until I saw her again. She came up once a week with Clint, mostly with a Nanny or guard, but sometimes the Fuhrer and his wife accompanied them just to talk with Father and Mother.
When Maes and I were together we were practically inseparable. I held onto her every moment I could, but then she'd leave me again....
It's not like either of us had a choice. I had to stay in Resembool and she had things to do in Central. Sarah and I were the closest thing to friends she'd ever had considering she'd hardly ever left the mansion. Maes had lived a sheltered life and I've always wanted to break her of it...but when she had the scariest father in the world, along with the most powerful one in the country, I was kind of walking on eggshells here.
I'm not sure the Fuhrer Mustang really ever supported our relationship. Or even does. I have no idea at all. I'm frankly just living in constant fear of him setting me on fire. And the other thing with Maes.
I feel like the Fuhrer also blames me for Maes using the gloves. Now, I had absolutely nothing to do with that. Maes' actions have been out of my hands and always have been. I couldn't control that girl if I wanted to. Apparently Flame Alchemy was a touchy subject in the Mustang family, and I frankly was too afraid to ask anything on that subject.
"Theo, Mom wants you in the house," Sarah said, kicking my head lightly again.
I rolled away from her and toward the base of the tree. I knew she was still standing there for a few minutes, and her watching me made me uncomfortable. I could hear her breathing and her shoe scraping into the dirt...
Oh crap.
I heard the transmutation before I felt it, the rocks beneath me pushing me up and down, slamming me hard and making me headbutt the bark of the tree.
"Sarah!" I screamed, begging for her to stop. Eventually, she did, and I stomped to a standing position to see my sister rolling on the ground laughing.
"I hate you," I growled.
"No you don't..." she sang, but I rolled my eyes, mumbling under my breath that she was right. She smiled.
"Alchemists..." I grumbled, walking into the house, pulling leaves out of my hair.
Sarah had gotten considerable better at alchemy since she found she was 'blessed' with the ability. I personally had never tried alchemy. I didn't want to know. I'd seen all the problems and horror it had caused in the lives of my loved ones and I didn't want to be apart of that. I was content with being Theo, who had no special ability whatsoever. Sometimes, Maes will spar with me, but she always wins. Then again, she had been trained along side her older brother her whole life, while I lived in my mom's automail shop.
Mom wanted me to take up automail but the whole thing just made me queasy. If I could do anything, I'd probably want to be in the military at Central. That dream had come up a few years ago, after Maes of course. I guess that's the only reason I wanted to be a military man, was to please Maes' father so that I could be with her.
I really need a social life.
"Good morning, sleepy head," Mom said from behind me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"You're getting so big," she whispered into my ear sadly. "You're not going to need us anymore..." she mumbled, then pulled away, wiping her watery blue eyes. "I guess you haven't needed us for a while, huh?" Mom asked, looking back at Father who was reading the paper while simultaneously glaring at the glass of milk in front of him.
"Aw, Mom," I groaned, scratching the back of my head. "I'll always need you...."
"No," she whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "No, you won't."
Sarah tromped into the house a few moments later, and my mother squeezed her in a hug too. Sarah accepted it, but no shock there. Sarah and Mom had always been exceptionally close, where as Dad and I...well, we lived in the same house.
I sat at the table across from Dad, not saying a word, just playing with the stand of hair that always stood on end, flicking it back and forth.
"Mom?" I asked as Sarah plopped down next to me,"What did you want us for?"
She wiped her hands on her apron, smiling. "You'll see."
A knock sounded at the front door not long after this. Dad's eyes shot up, dark and on edge, like he thought it was trouble. I guess he would always be like that, after the childhood he had.
"Oh, just answer it, Edward," Mom laughed.
"Don't tell me what to do," he hissed, standing. From Mom's expression, I knew she knew he wasn't joking. They didn't do that much anymore, but when Dad got on edge, he got on edge.
His boots tromped across the hardwood to the front door, and even if I leaned around him, I couldn't see the other figure. Father stared for a moment, before attempting to close the door, only for a white gloved hand to shoot out and stop it.
"C'mon, Fullmetal, let the government in."
Sarah and I both turned to each other at the voice: Sarah beaming, my face probably one of pure terror.
The Fuhrer King Mustang pushed past our Father, standing in the middle of our doorway, hands on his hips, smiling, glancing around the room.
"Lovely as always, Mrs. Elric," the Flame Alchemist promised, glancing at Mother.
"Why, thank you."
"You knew he was coming?!" Dad yelled, causing Sarah to giggle. Mr. Mustang glanced over at her.
"Sarah," he said, smiling. I knew the Fuhrer always liked Sarah, what with her being so close to Travis, her likeness to Mother, and her being taken to alchemy. Sarah liked the Fuhrer, too. I think she even called him 'Roy' once, much to Father's displeasure. He was so like an Uncle to her.
"You like sweets, right?" he said, reaching into his blue military jacket, pulling out a little box. Sarah smiled.
"And for your mother..." Roy said, pulling a small box out of his pocket.
"Oh, gee," Mom said, opening it, and proceeding to squeel, jumping up and down.
"It's a wrench!! Oh my Gosh!!" she hugged it to her chest, twirling in a circle.
"You didn't that excited about the anniversary present I got you," Dad whinned.
"Well, you got me a locket. It was nice and all...but it wasn't this wrench!"
"Get out of my house, Mustang," Dad groaned. I laughed at his futile attempt, causing the Fuhrer to glance over at me.
"Theo," he said, dark eyes making me sink into my chair. This guy scared me so much.
"S-sir," I mumbled.
"You're in the car..." he mumbled. I sat in my chair for a moment, unsure.
"Go get it!" he barked. I yelped, jumping and running past him, to the car. Clint ran past me with his mother, both smiling and murmuring hellos, and I turned to the black car, windows tented.
I hesitantly pulled on the handle of the car, and leaning in, I caught a glimpse of a smile in the dark. My thoat closed.
"Hey, goldie," the soprano voice said, smiling. My knees turned to jello.
"Maes," I whispered, just before we both lunged to wrap our arms around one another. We sat in the backseat of the car for a long time, just sitting, listening to the other's breathing.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," I whispered. She laughed.
"I know. It's been a full 162 hours since you last saw me. I don't know how I'm still breathing."
I blushed deeply. Everything in me tingled when Maes admitted she had feelings for me--especially feelings that strong.
Maes planted a chaste kiss on my lips, quick and stunning. She smirked as she pulled away, slipping over me, yanking my arm.
"C'mon, Dad'll want us inside. I don't think he likes it when we're alone together."
Maes, of course, was right. The Fuhrer gave me several glances during dinner, evil glares and such. I of course, was shaking in my boots, while Maes boldly grasped my hand, only increasing the Fuhrer's glares.
"It's awfully dark outside," Mother commented aloud. Roy looked up. "Perhaps you, Riza, and the children should spend the night here. We don't have much room, but you and Riza could take our room, and I don't think Clint and Maes would mind bunking with Theo and Sarah."
"Speak for yourself!" Dad yelled. "That bastard's not staying here tonight! Hawkeye, by all means, can have a little sleep over with you, I'll stay in my study. But Mustang? When hell freezes over."
The Fuhrer laughed, clutching his stomach, wiping his eyes.
"I'll sleep outside, if you hate me that much, Fullmetal, because I know you don't. Thank you, Mrs. Elric. My wife, I'm sure, would be very happy to room with you, as the children could room together as well. I'll find refuge on the couch," he said, making his way to the living room. Slowly, with mutters and happy giggles, the two families dispersed, until Maes and I were left alone, beaming at one another.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked her. I was still grinning wickedly myself. Maes was staying longer! Here, with me!
Maes returned the express, mumbling,"I get to sleep in your room."
I blushed as she drug me along into the room I shared with Sarah.
Nothing here could classify this as a child's room. Two beds with grey-blue sheets, one against the left wall, another under a window. Two beside tables meeting in a corner. One was stacked with books, a few pieces of chalk on the stand. A candle stick and a few matches. The other was void of much. A flower vase containing no flowers. A few opened letters. A lock of hair, black.
At the end of each bed were trunks, containing our wardrobes.
Clint was changing, and Sarah came in from the bathroom at the end of the hall in her long nightgown. She smiled as she saw mine and Maes' interlaced fingers.
"Shut up," I warned.
She smiled. "I didn't say anything!"
Maes dropped her black jacket, leaving her in a tank top. Pulling down her skirt-much to my horror, only revealed another petticoat, thinner and black. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Sarah climbed into bed, and Clint stared from me to Sarah.
"Yeah, little man?" I asked. Clint had recovered well from being sick. He hadn't grown much, but he was 12 now. He was several notches more intelligent, but every inch still innocent.
"Can I sleep with Sarah?"
I smiled and nodded. His eyes lit up as he ran over to my sister, a girl who had often treated him like a son. Regardless of the fact I had dragged his sick body across a building, and to Ishval....
I stopped the thought. I didn't want nightmares with Maes here....
Only one available spot to sleep. And it was in my bed. I swore.
Regardless, the black-haired girl jumped into my bed, smiling as she curled into my side. Maes, with her sailor's mouth and strong will. Maes, who had murdered in cold rage, who watched her brother die and saw standing in the grave. Saw her brother's love fall into depression. Maes, who I loved. Maes, who loved me.
I smiled, wrapping my arms around her, kissing her forehead, tucking her under my chin. I loved feeling like this, protecting her, even though it was often the other way around.
"Theo?" she asked. The moon had risen and both Sarah and Clint were sleeping, breathing heavy.
"Hmm?" I asked, twirling a piece of her charcoal hair.
"I love you."
My skin broke out in gooseflesh.
"I love you, too, Maes," I responded, pulling her closer to me.
"Maes?" I asked after a moment.
"...When we left...back then," I didn't need to clarify. She knew. "In the beginning, you insisted me on calling you Raven."
I pursed my lips. "Why did you stop?"
"Well...when you said my name....I liked the way you said it."
My heart melted, and I leaned down to press my lips to hers again, a bit more fiercely than the kiss in the car, but broke away just as fast.
"Have I told you I loved you?" I asked.
She giggled quietly. "Yes?"
"Well, I haven't told you enough."
She smiled, before yawning. Soon enough, Maes was sighing in her sleep next to me.
We woke up late in the day, both of us still wrapped in each other's embrace. Sarah tapped my head with a book.
"Wakey, wakey. Roy's coming for an inspection, so I'd move your girlfriend to the other bed." Maes crawled swiftly out of my bed (much to my dismay) and into Sarah's rolling over in, pretending to snore. I rose, on the other hand, ready to face the day. I washed up and changed in the bathroom, only to come into the hallway with King Mustang staring me down. I was shaking within a matter of seconds. It was amazing, what those black eyes could do. How did Mrs. Mustang marry this man, with those eerie eyes? No, I knew the answer. That same set of eyes were placed in the head of the girl who'd spent last night in my bed. I knew those eyes could be cold and unfeeling, but I knew they could change on a dime as well.
"Theo," Roy Mustang nodded at me.
"Sir," I replied, shakily.
Roy Mustang had been much more...upbeat and likable when we first met. He had his fun teasing me because I was the son of the Fullmetal Alchemist, but now that I was romantically involved with his daughter...I guess any man would.
"Theo, could we talk? Outside?"
Neither statement was a question.
"Y-yes, sir."
We stood in the sunlight for a long while, walking down the road through Resembool.
"How did you sleep?" Mustang asked. I looked up at him, and his eyes were straight on the road ahead, hands folded behind his back.
"Fine, sir. You?"
"Your father's couch....its not very comfortable."
I laughed falsely, and I knew he could tell.
"Theo, let's stop beating around the bush, shall we?" he parked us under the shade of a tree, and the first half of his face was shaded by his officer's cap.
"Uh, y-yes--"
"What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?"
I froze. "Well, uh, you see, sir..." my mouth tasted like cotton.
I didn't say anything.
"Theo, what is it you want to do with your future?"
"I-I want to be in the military, sir."
He cocked his eyebrows.
"...My father did it, even though he didn't want to. I guess that's where my life really started. And well, I want to move to Central."
"Why?" he paused. "Give me the real reason."
"Maes," I sputtered. "I want to move to be with Maes."
Roy Mustang didn't move, just sighed, muttering under his breath.
"Theo, you and your father...two excruciatingly annoying young men..." he grumbled. "Do you have any idea how much my daughter pouts? It's only when we're here that I see her smile. She has no interest in her studies or training or...anything! Unless it's directly related to you. So, in her best interests..."
"Theo, you can come to Central this summer, to live in the mansion."
I stared. "Oh, sir--"
"And that's an order!!"
"O-of course! Of course I'll come!"
" go tell Maes and pack your bags, son."
"Oh course! Thank you! Thank you so much!"
I sprinted off towards the house again, screaming at the top of my lungs for Maes. I couldn't believe it! A whole summer with her!
Maybe, this would all work out. Part of me wondered if this was permission, just to be with her. God, I wanted to be with her....
Maybe we'd get married, and grow old together, have kids. Yeah, that'd be great.
I love you, Maes. And I'm coming.
A/N: I know I'm a bad little albino for not posting last week. I've been so busy guys. Ulgh. Anyway...I will post two one-shots today for you, because I was such a bad person...but now I have to figure out what order they go in....suck. This is my punishment. :P
I felt a nudge at the back of my head, prodding through my mess of blonde hair. I shook into consciousness, taking in my surroundings.
I was outside. I could feel soft winds rolling over the soft grass I was laying on roll gently over me. It was cool here, and upon grasping my hands into the dirt, I found something hard and rough. I was under the tree in the front yard.
I kept my eyes closed at something hit me again.
"Theeeooo," it whined. No guesses here. Sarah. I groaned, rolling back over.
"Let me sleep."
I sat up for her, glaring her down.
"What do you want?" I hissed, enunciating each word with impatience.
Sarah glared, hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. She eclipsed the sun from my view with her tall frame. She was as skinny as she was tall, but Sarah had certainly grown. She was fifteen now to my seventeen, and it showed. Boys from the village came to the door asking for her sometimes, and it was times like that Father and I armed ourselves with Mother's wrenches, much to Sarah's embarrassment. I knew she didn't care though. After Sarah had kissed Kain, he'd visited off and on whenever he could. Kain was a good kid, and he was good for Sarah. I didn't need an angsty little sister. Mostly, though, Kain helped Sarah forget about Travis. Sarah would never forget him, now. She loved him, and part of her always would, I guess, but it wasn't healthy. She needed something else to love, something strong. Kain was that something.
And as much as Sarah needed Kain, I needed Maes.
I tried not to think about her when we were apart. I just got depressed until I saw her again. She came up once a week with Clint, mostly with a Nanny or guard, but sometimes the Fuhrer and his wife accompanied them just to talk with Father and Mother.
When Maes and I were together we were practically inseparable. I held onto her every moment I could, but then she'd leave me again....
It's not like either of us had a choice. I had to stay in Resembool and she had things to do in Central. Sarah and I were the closest thing to friends she'd ever had considering she'd hardly ever left the mansion. Maes had lived a sheltered life and I've always wanted to break her of it...but when she had the scariest father in the world, along with the most powerful one in the country, I was kind of walking on eggshells here.
I'm not sure the Fuhrer Mustang really ever supported our relationship. Or even does. I have no idea at all. I'm frankly just living in constant fear of him setting me on fire. And the other thing with Maes.
I feel like the Fuhrer also blames me for Maes using the gloves. Now, I had absolutely nothing to do with that. Maes' actions have been out of my hands and always have been. I couldn't control that girl if I wanted to. Apparently Flame Alchemy was a touchy subject in the Mustang family, and I frankly was too afraid to ask anything on that subject.
"Theo, Mom wants you in the house," Sarah said, kicking my head lightly again.
I rolled away from her and toward the base of the tree. I knew she was still standing there for a few minutes, and her watching me made me uncomfortable. I could hear her breathing and her shoe scraping into the dirt...
Oh crap.
I heard the transmutation before I felt it, the rocks beneath me pushing me up and down, slamming me hard and making me headbutt the bark of the tree.
"Sarah!" I screamed, begging for her to stop. Eventually, she did, and I stomped to a standing position to see my sister rolling on the ground laughing.
"I hate you," I growled.
"No you don't..." she sang, but I rolled my eyes, mumbling under my breath that she was right. She smiled.
"Alchemists..." I grumbled, walking into the house, pulling leaves out of my hair.
Sarah had gotten considerable better at alchemy since she found she was 'blessed' with the ability. I personally had never tried alchemy. I didn't want to know. I'd seen all the problems and horror it had caused in the lives of my loved ones and I didn't want to be apart of that. I was content with being Theo, who had no special ability whatsoever. Sometimes, Maes will spar with me, but she always wins. Then again, she had been trained along side her older brother her whole life, while I lived in my mom's automail shop.
Mom wanted me to take up automail but the whole thing just made me queasy. If I could do anything, I'd probably want to be in the military at Central. That dream had come up a few years ago, after Maes of course. I guess that's the only reason I wanted to be a military man, was to please Maes' father so that I could be with her.
I really need a social life.
"Good morning, sleepy head," Mom said from behind me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"You're getting so big," she whispered into my ear sadly. "You're not going to need us anymore..." she mumbled, then pulled away, wiping her watery blue eyes. "I guess you haven't needed us for a while, huh?" Mom asked, looking back at Father who was reading the paper while simultaneously glaring at the glass of milk in front of him.
"Aw, Mom," I groaned, scratching the back of my head. "I'll always need you...."
"No," she whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "No, you won't."
Sarah tromped into the house a few moments later, and my mother squeezed her in a hug too. Sarah accepted it, but no shock there. Sarah and Mom had always been exceptionally close, where as Dad and I...well, we lived in the same house.
I sat at the table across from Dad, not saying a word, just playing with the stand of hair that always stood on end, flicking it back and forth.
"Mom?" I asked as Sarah plopped down next to me,"What did you want us for?"
She wiped her hands on her apron, smiling. "You'll see."
A knock sounded at the front door not long after this. Dad's eyes shot up, dark and on edge, like he thought it was trouble. I guess he would always be like that, after the childhood he had.
"Oh, just answer it, Edward," Mom laughed.
"Don't tell me what to do," he hissed, standing. From Mom's expression, I knew she knew he wasn't joking. They didn't do that much anymore, but when Dad got on edge, he got on edge.
His boots tromped across the hardwood to the front door, and even if I leaned around him, I couldn't see the other figure. Father stared for a moment, before attempting to close the door, only for a white gloved hand to shoot out and stop it.
"C'mon, Fullmetal, let the government in."
Sarah and I both turned to each other at the voice: Sarah beaming, my face probably one of pure terror.
The Fuhrer King Mustang pushed past our Father, standing in the middle of our doorway, hands on his hips, smiling, glancing around the room.
"Lovely as always, Mrs. Elric," the Flame Alchemist promised, glancing at Mother.
"Why, thank you."
"You knew he was coming?!" Dad yelled, causing Sarah to giggle. Mr. Mustang glanced over at her.
"Sarah," he said, smiling. I knew the Fuhrer always liked Sarah, what with her being so close to Travis, her likeness to Mother, and her being taken to alchemy. Sarah liked the Fuhrer, too. I think she even called him 'Roy' once, much to Father's displeasure. He was so like an Uncle to her.
"You like sweets, right?" he said, reaching into his blue military jacket, pulling out a little box. Sarah smiled.
"And for your mother..." Roy said, pulling a small box out of his pocket.
"Oh, gee," Mom said, opening it, and proceeding to squeel, jumping up and down.
"It's a wrench!! Oh my Gosh!!" she hugged it to her chest, twirling in a circle.
"You didn't that excited about the anniversary present I got you," Dad whinned.
"Well, you got me a locket. It was nice and all...but it wasn't this wrench!"
"Get out of my house, Mustang," Dad groaned. I laughed at his futile attempt, causing the Fuhrer to glance over at me.
"Theo," he said, dark eyes making me sink into my chair. This guy scared me so much.
"S-sir," I mumbled.
"You're in the car..." he mumbled. I sat in my chair for a moment, unsure.
"Go get it!" he barked. I yelped, jumping and running past him, to the car. Clint ran past me with his mother, both smiling and murmuring hellos, and I turned to the black car, windows tented.
I hesitantly pulled on the handle of the car, and leaning in, I caught a glimpse of a smile in the dark. My thoat closed.
"Hey, goldie," the soprano voice said, smiling. My knees turned to jello.
"Maes," I whispered, just before we both lunged to wrap our arms around one another. We sat in the backseat of the car for a long time, just sitting, listening to the other's breathing.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," I whispered. She laughed.
"I know. It's been a full 162 hours since you last saw me. I don't know how I'm still breathing."
I blushed deeply. Everything in me tingled when Maes admitted she had feelings for me--especially feelings that strong.
Maes planted a chaste kiss on my lips, quick and stunning. She smirked as she pulled away, slipping over me, yanking my arm.
"C'mon, Dad'll want us inside. I don't think he likes it when we're alone together."
Maes, of course, was right. The Fuhrer gave me several glances during dinner, evil glares and such. I of course, was shaking in my boots, while Maes boldly grasped my hand, only increasing the Fuhrer's glares.
"It's awfully dark outside," Mother commented aloud. Roy looked up. "Perhaps you, Riza, and the children should spend the night here. We don't have much room, but you and Riza could take our room, and I don't think Clint and Maes would mind bunking with Theo and Sarah."
"Speak for yourself!" Dad yelled. "That bastard's not staying here tonight! Hawkeye, by all means, can have a little sleep over with you, I'll stay in my study. But Mustang? When hell freezes over."
The Fuhrer laughed, clutching his stomach, wiping his eyes.
"I'll sleep outside, if you hate me that much, Fullmetal, because I know you don't. Thank you, Mrs. Elric. My wife, I'm sure, would be very happy to room with you, as the children could room together as well. I'll find refuge on the couch," he said, making his way to the living room. Slowly, with mutters and happy giggles, the two families dispersed, until Maes and I were left alone, beaming at one another.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked her. I was still grinning wickedly myself. Maes was staying longer! Here, with me!
Maes returned the express, mumbling,"I get to sleep in your room."
I blushed as she drug me along into the room I shared with Sarah.
Nothing here could classify this as a child's room. Two beds with grey-blue sheets, one against the left wall, another under a window. Two beside tables meeting in a corner. One was stacked with books, a few pieces of chalk on the stand. A candle stick and a few matches. The other was void of much. A flower vase containing no flowers. A few opened letters. A lock of hair, black.
At the end of each bed were trunks, containing our wardrobes.
Clint was changing, and Sarah came in from the bathroom at the end of the hall in her long nightgown. She smiled as she saw mine and Maes' interlaced fingers.
"Shut up," I warned.
She smiled. "I didn't say anything!"
Maes dropped her black jacket, leaving her in a tank top. Pulling down her skirt-much to my horror, only revealed another petticoat, thinner and black. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Sarah climbed into bed, and Clint stared from me to Sarah.
"Yeah, little man?" I asked. Clint had recovered well from being sick. He hadn't grown much, but he was 12 now. He was several notches more intelligent, but every inch still innocent.
"Can I sleep with Sarah?"
I smiled and nodded. His eyes lit up as he ran over to my sister, a girl who had often treated him like a son. Regardless of the fact I had dragged his sick body across a building, and to Ishval....
I stopped the thought. I didn't want nightmares with Maes here....
Only one available spot to sleep. And it was in my bed. I swore.
Regardless, the black-haired girl jumped into my bed, smiling as she curled into my side. Maes, with her sailor's mouth and strong will. Maes, who had murdered in cold rage, who watched her brother die and saw standing in the grave. Saw her brother's love fall into depression. Maes, who I loved. Maes, who loved me.
I smiled, wrapping my arms around her, kissing her forehead, tucking her under my chin. I loved feeling like this, protecting her, even though it was often the other way around.
"Theo?" she asked. The moon had risen and both Sarah and Clint were sleeping, breathing heavy.
"Hmm?" I asked, twirling a piece of her charcoal hair.
"I love you."
My skin broke out in gooseflesh.
"I love you, too, Maes," I responded, pulling her closer to me.
"Maes?" I asked after a moment.
"...When we left...back then," I didn't need to clarify. She knew. "In the beginning, you insisted me on calling you Raven."
I pursed my lips. "Why did you stop?"
"Well...when you said my name....I liked the way you said it."
My heart melted, and I leaned down to press my lips to hers again, a bit more fiercely than the kiss in the car, but broke away just as fast.
"Have I told you I loved you?" I asked.
She giggled quietly. "Yes?"
"Well, I haven't told you enough."
She smiled, before yawning. Soon enough, Maes was sighing in her sleep next to me.
We woke up late in the day, both of us still wrapped in each other's embrace. Sarah tapped my head with a book.
"Wakey, wakey. Roy's coming for an inspection, so I'd move your girlfriend to the other bed." Maes crawled swiftly out of my bed (much to my dismay) and into Sarah's rolling over in, pretending to snore. I rose, on the other hand, ready to face the day. I washed up and changed in the bathroom, only to come into the hallway with King Mustang staring me down. I was shaking within a matter of seconds. It was amazing, what those black eyes could do. How did Mrs. Mustang marry this man, with those eerie eyes? No, I knew the answer. That same set of eyes were placed in the head of the girl who'd spent last night in my bed. I knew those eyes could be cold and unfeeling, but I knew they could change on a dime as well.
"Theo," Roy Mustang nodded at me.
"Sir," I replied, shakily.
Roy Mustang had been much more...upbeat and likable when we first met. He had his fun teasing me because I was the son of the Fullmetal Alchemist, but now that I was romantically involved with his daughter...I guess any man would.
"Theo, could we talk? Outside?"
Neither statement was a question.
"Y-yes, sir."
We stood in the sunlight for a long while, walking down the road through Resembool.
"How did you sleep?" Mustang asked. I looked up at him, and his eyes were straight on the road ahead, hands folded behind his back.
"Fine, sir. You?"
"Your father's couch....its not very comfortable."
I laughed falsely, and I knew he could tell.
"Theo, let's stop beating around the bush, shall we?" he parked us under the shade of a tree, and the first half of his face was shaded by his officer's cap.
"Uh, y-yes--"
"What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?"
I froze. "Well, uh, you see, sir..." my mouth tasted like cotton.
I didn't say anything.
"Theo, what is it you want to do with your future?"
"I-I want to be in the military, sir."
He cocked his eyebrows.
"...My father did it, even though he didn't want to. I guess that's where my life really started. And well, I want to move to Central."
"Why?" he paused. "Give me the real reason."
"Maes," I sputtered. "I want to move to be with Maes."
Roy Mustang didn't move, just sighed, muttering under his breath.
"Theo, you and your father...two excruciatingly annoying young men..." he grumbled. "Do you have any idea how much my daughter pouts? It's only when we're here that I see her smile. She has no interest in her studies or training or...anything! Unless it's directly related to you. So, in her best interests..."
"Theo, you can come to Central this summer, to live in the mansion."
I stared. "Oh, sir--"
"And that's an order!!"
"O-of course! Of course I'll come!"
" go tell Maes and pack your bags, son."
"Oh course! Thank you! Thank you so much!"
I sprinted off towards the house again, screaming at the top of my lungs for Maes. I couldn't believe it! A whole summer with her!
Maybe, this would all work out. Part of me wondered if this was permission, just to be with her. God, I wanted to be with her....
Maybe we'd get married, and grow old together, have kids. Yeah, that'd be great.
I love you, Maes. And I'm coming.
A/N: I know I'm a bad little albino for not posting last week. I've been so busy guys. Ulgh. Anyway...I will post two one-shots today for you, because I was such a bad person...but now I have to figure out what order they go in....suck. This is my punishment. :P
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I cant come over to Meg's... Im so sad... I think my emo corner is beconing me....
However, Meg, I shall bring you my ipod tomorrow loaded with Black Butler so you can read to your little heart's content. And dont worry. I will teach you how to use it.
However, Meg, I shall bring you my ipod tomorrow loaded with Black Butler so you can read to your little heart's content. And dont worry. I will teach you how to use it.
My mother is currently not speaking to me because she's sick and I was sick before, so therefore it's my fault her immunesystem decided not to work. -_-
Thanks, mom.
Thanks, mom.
I don't know if you can read this but you can't come over tomorrow. My parents are being asses and I'm still grounded. From people.
Dafuq. And they wonder why I'm antisocial....
Sorry baby.
If she doesn't get this, can people still try to relay the message? (Not through text, obviously)
Love you babe. Sorry.
Dafuq. And they wonder why I'm antisocial....
Sorry baby.
If she doesn't get this, can people still try to relay the message? (Not through text, obviously)
Love you babe. Sorry.
Monday, March 25, 2013
I'm a bad person
I bought "Death of Gavroche" from the Les Mis movie soundtrack. I'm terrible. I just... I'm an awful person... And I just listened to it... I just...GAVROCHE!!!! My baby... AND THEN LITTLE PEOPLE TURNED ON!!!! MY BABYYYY!!!!!!
Lie down... Try not to cry... Cry a lot...
Lie down... Try not to cry... Cry a lot...
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Also, before I begin, may I get this out.
Your scene was like, the first time anyone cheered. The rest of the first numbers were so...bad.
And it's not the main actors fault at all. Most of the main actors were SO GOOD. It's...a reoccuring problem with this theatre group: the chorus.
When they took on this production, they had the intent to make it a chorus show. Little Mermaid is NOT a chorus show. Often times the chorus was IN FRONT of the talking actors. This is sooooo wrong. Upstaging: no no. Big no no.
The dancing was....really bad. Really, really bad. We know who to blame for that....
The staging was really the directors fault. I didn't really feel like clapping for her in the end. I know that was her vision, and they tried to get all the kids on the stage, but they don't need to be. The little scuttles were stupid and all the scenes were the chorus just STOOD there. Doing NOTHING.
Sebastian was great per usual. I'm so sad this the last year I'll see him. He was definately the most perfessional.
Ariel had a very pretty voice.
King Triton....ehh....he couldn't really...act. Shirtless guy who just broke our state bench press record got people in the seats....
Prince Erik did pretty good. It just threw me off that he was blatantly younger, but that unavoidable. All things considering, he was great.
It was obvious that Ursala, Flotsam and Jetsam were crowd favorites. Amazing, all of you. I got goosebumps every time you spoke.
Grimsby was....idk. Everytime he spoke, I had no idea who was speaking because he sounded like a woman. So, I was looking around and since he gave no gesture it was just like...huh?
The chorus again. I'm glad I wasn't epileptic. If you are going to make this a chorus show, then tell the cast to get light less bright outfits. I couldn't focus on the main characters because the dancers suits were like, fucking glowing. So many and so many colours just...killed me....I'm surprised I didn't seize up.
Everything with Scuttle was stupid, not because it was a bad actress, but because of the little scuttles following. They were distracting, and kept breaking character. Not entertaining at all, just annoying.
Sorry if that offended anyone. The show was great over all, great actors and talent up there, but the chorus...they're the chorus for a reason. I was onstage for Millie maybe three or four times. Not bothered by that at all. I was in the chorus, therfore, not on stage.
Just sayin'. Haters gonna hate.
Taters gonna po-tate.
Also, before I begin, may I get this out.
Your scene was like, the first time anyone cheered. The rest of the first numbers were so...bad.
And it's not the main actors fault at all. Most of the main actors were SO GOOD. It's...a reoccuring problem with this theatre group: the chorus.
When they took on this production, they had the intent to make it a chorus show. Little Mermaid is NOT a chorus show. Often times the chorus was IN FRONT of the talking actors. This is sooooo wrong. Upstaging: no no. Big no no.
The dancing was....really bad. Really, really bad. We know who to blame for that....
The staging was really the directors fault. I didn't really feel like clapping for her in the end. I know that was her vision, and they tried to get all the kids on the stage, but they don't need to be. The little scuttles were stupid and all the scenes were the chorus just STOOD there. Doing NOTHING.
Sebastian was great per usual. I'm so sad this the last year I'll see him. He was definately the most perfessional.
Ariel had a very pretty voice.
King Triton....ehh....he couldn't really...act. Shirtless guy who just broke our state bench press record got people in the seats....
Prince Erik did pretty good. It just threw me off that he was blatantly younger, but that unavoidable. All things considering, he was great.
It was obvious that Ursala, Flotsam and Jetsam were crowd favorites. Amazing, all of you. I got goosebumps every time you spoke.
Grimsby was....idk. Everytime he spoke, I had no idea who was speaking because he sounded like a woman. So, I was looking around and since he gave no gesture it was just like...huh?
The chorus again. I'm glad I wasn't epileptic. If you are going to make this a chorus show, then tell the cast to get light less bright outfits. I couldn't focus on the main characters because the dancers suits were like, fucking glowing. So many and so many colours just...killed me....I'm surprised I didn't seize up.
Everything with Scuttle was stupid, not because it was a bad actress, but because of the little scuttles following. They were distracting, and kept breaking character. Not entertaining at all, just annoying.
Sorry if that offended anyone. The show was great over all, great actors and talent up there, but the chorus...they're the chorus for a reason. I was onstage for Millie maybe three or four times. Not bothered by that at all. I was in the chorus, therfore, not on stage.
Just sayin'. Haters gonna hate.
Taters gonna po-tate.
So. I read the Kakashi backstory chapters of the manga, so I decided, hey, why not watch the episode of the anime? So, I go on YouTube and find it, I click on it, it starts, Obito starts talking, and...
I literally spazzed out. Like, for real, hyperventilated.
I just...VIIICCC!!!!! It was so surprising, because I've been on Vic's wiki page so many times you'd think I'd have seen it before... I mean, I wouldn't have known who Obito was, but I definitely would've recognized the last name Uchiha.
All I can say is that he'd better voice him in the other episodes or I'm gonna be tiiiicked...
But...OMG VIIIIC!!!!
And here's another thing. An episode of Naruto with Zabuza came on tv earlier. As I was watching it, I noticed how oddly familiar his voice sounded. I went on wiki and looked. His voice actor voices quite a few non-anime characters, such as Wolverine and various other Marvel characters. But what really got me was...among the list of characters he voices was...
I knew I'd heard the voice! But...AHHH!!!
This is Obito. Ain't he cute? Can't you just see Vic voicing him?
I literally spazzed out. Like, for real, hyperventilated.
I just...VIIICCC!!!!! It was so surprising, because I've been on Vic's wiki page so many times you'd think I'd have seen it before... I mean, I wouldn't have known who Obito was, but I definitely would've recognized the last name Uchiha.
All I can say is that he'd better voice him in the other episodes or I'm gonna be tiiiicked...
But...OMG VIIIIC!!!!
And here's another thing. An episode of Naruto with Zabuza came on tv earlier. As I was watching it, I noticed how oddly familiar his voice sounded. I went on wiki and looked. His voice actor voices quite a few non-anime characters, such as Wolverine and various other Marvel characters. But what really got me was...among the list of characters he voices was...
I knew I'd heard the voice! But...AHHH!!!
This is Obito. Ain't he cute? Can't you just see Vic voicing him?
Saturday, March 23, 2013
I'm watching Lion King II. I can't get over how much Kovu reminds me of Kain... I mean, it's totally different circumstances, but some things are really similar...
So... Kiara is Sarah? Erk.
I can't handle all of the things intertwining. It hurts my brain.
So... Kiara is Sarah? Erk.
I can't handle all of the things intertwining. It hurts my brain.
I drew Kakashi. :3
So cute...
I read the chapters of Naruto that have young Kakashi and it showed how he got his scar....and his Sharingan... I had no idea that it was Obito's... I didn't know that you could give someone your freaking EYE. *shudder* I thought the Sharingan was just Kakashi's. nothing special. Just his. But... Nyeeehhh...
Mechanical pencil cannot convey the epicness. *shrug*
So cute...
I read the chapters of Naruto that have young Kakashi and it showed how he got his scar....and his Sharingan... I had no idea that it was Obito's... I didn't know that you could give someone your freaking EYE. *shudder* I thought the Sharingan was just Kakashi's. nothing special. Just his. But... Nyeeehhh...
Mechanical pencil cannot convey the epicness. *shrug*
This is a current picture of Daniel Craig

This is a current picture of Daniel Craig
Finally getting around to watching Little White Lie. It was a miniseries which isn't a musical starkid did a long time ago, and I watched like, the first two episodes and nothing else. I go.
Back when Chris was really really skinny...and then he became alfred...and ate batman....
I may watch that tonight, too. I should be writing but...
I find it funny that they did put Chris and Alona in the same scene together in AVPSY. Chris does look a lot like Joe in the face, and people have said that before. I'm glad they got him to play his father.
Nick is so awkward and adorable!!!!
Poor Nick....
I'd never been really attracted to Darren Criss, but seeing him younger (just older than me, I guess...) made like, my ovaries explode. He's so freaking adorable and all lanky and with the jew's fuggin' adorable....I still love short-haired glee Darren....but I miss high-school grad Starkid Darren.
Love Jim. He's just...hugely adorable. Huge as in, this is guy that does Goyle. Yes, that one.
So we're all catching my drift.
Hmmm...if I learned anything from watching this until one in the morning, I'd have to say it'd be:Never fall into a coma.
That last episode gave me goosebumps...goshhh...
And breaking dawn pt. 1 stole the ending from starkid. Just saying.
You guys should watch it. It's an independant plot, no harry potter or Batman or MAMD refferences (mainly because this is the first thing they posted....) so yeah. It's really good. I loved it.
-Meg I must go to church...on a
Back when Chris was really really skinny...and then he became alfred...and ate batman....
I may watch that tonight, too. I should be writing but...
I find it funny that they did put Chris and Alona in the same scene together in AVPSY. Chris does look a lot like Joe in the face, and people have said that before. I'm glad they got him to play his father.
Nick is so awkward and adorable!!!!
Poor Nick....
I'd never been really attracted to Darren Criss, but seeing him younger (just older than me, I guess...) made like, my ovaries explode. He's so freaking adorable and all lanky and with the jew's fuggin' adorable....I still love short-haired glee Darren....but I miss high-school grad Starkid Darren.
Love Jim. He's just...hugely adorable. Huge as in, this is guy that does Goyle. Yes, that one.
So we're all catching my drift.
Hmmm...if I learned anything from watching this until one in the morning, I'd have to say it'd be:Never fall into a coma.
That last episode gave me goosebumps...goshhh...
And breaking dawn pt. 1 stole the ending from starkid. Just saying.
You guys should watch it. It's an independant plot, no harry potter or Batman or MAMD refferences (mainly because this is the first thing they posted....) so yeah. It's really good. I loved it.
-Meg I must go to church...on a
Friday, March 22, 2013
So, I was on youtube and saw that starkid had uploaded a video an hour ago (I was the 301th viewer, may I say) and they are doing a new musical.
It's called Twisted. The untold story of the Royal Vazer (not spelled right)
It's Aladdin. From Jafar's point of view.
It's like Wicked, but Disney.
Demy, if you don't watch this when it comes out...gahh...
Here's the kickstarter video:
Nevermind. It's not old enough for blogger to pick it up. The first thing that popped up was a porno -_-
Joe should be Jafar. I wanna know whose playing the parrot. He's on the poster~~~~ Which looks like the wicked excited...
It's called Twisted. The untold story of the Royal Vazer (not spelled right)
It's Aladdin. From Jafar's point of view.
It's like Wicked, but Disney.
Demy, if you don't watch this when it comes out...gahh...
Here's the kickstarter video:
Nevermind. It's not old enough for blogger to pick it up. The first thing that popped up was a porno -_-
Joe should be Jafar. I wanna know whose playing the parrot. He's on the poster~~~~ Which looks like the wicked excited...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
First real LM performance was tonight!!! It was amaizeing. I didn't screw up and it was awesome!!! And it looked fantabulous! My makeup even decided to stay on. After I washed my face. I look like Gaara. Well, at least half of my face does.
Which brings me to my Narutarding. I... I take back everything I said about Zabuza. I just... Crap, don't cry, Dem....
And I have now met Gaara. Can I have his babies? I've seen about five sentences from him and I'm flipping out. In English he's voiced by Liam O'Brien. How much better can life get??? (Liam O'Brien also voiced Angel and Nightcrawler from Wolverine and the X-Men, and Caius and Kain from Final Fantasy. Dat voice.)
Dis ish Gaara. And now you get my reference to my makeup.
Which brings me to my Narutarding. I... I take back everything I said about Zabuza. I just... Crap, don't cry, Dem....
And I have now met Gaara. Can I have his babies? I've seen about five sentences from him and I'm flipping out. In English he's voiced by Liam O'Brien. How much better can life get??? (Liam O'Brien also voiced Angel and Nightcrawler from Wolverine and the X-Men, and Caius and Kain from Final Fantasy. Dat voice.)
Dis ish Gaara. And now you get my reference to my makeup.

Yes, I do realize I just stole Benvolio from the 1968 movie, but the man is very attractive and fits the bill...kind of. I can't find anyone who matches my discriptions...alas, playing God and creating characters isn't as easy when God isn't working with you. Dylan is more of a Mercutio meets Tybalt type. He's very...player, I believe is a good term. He always looks very mischievous and like he's up to no good.

Nick is the director of the (unwritten) musical Lizzy works in on the twilight story. Although fictional here, he is based off one director/playwrite.
Nick Lang is the writer of all of the starkid productions, with his brother Matt. He plays the poster guy in AVPS, Does both scarfy and the sorting hat, played Robin, I don't remember his characters name in Starship, but I only remember like, one name from starship, and it was Joey's. It was Bug. Easy to remember because he was a bug. So it made sense...anyway, I got to put Nick in. He won't have a huge role, just kinda...there. So...yes....
The always lovely AJ Holmes could do Dylan...

He plays Gilderoy in AVPSY and Joey's heart in MAMD. He has a cameo in Starship, in the beginning, but other than that I can't think of anything...if he was in HMB, I'm sorry, baby, but I don't remember right now....
-Meg Giry
On a starkid phase right now....
Yes, I do realize I just stole Benvolio from the 1968 movie, but the man is very attractive and fits the bill...kind of. I can't find anyone who matches my discriptions...alas, playing God and creating characters isn't as easy when God isn't working with you. Dylan is more of a Mercutio meets Tybalt type. He's very...player, I believe is a good term. He always looks very mischievous and like he's up to no good.
Nick is the director of the (unwritten) musical Lizzy works in on the twilight story. Although fictional here, he is based off one director/playwrite.
Nick Lang is the writer of all of the starkid productions, with his brother Matt. He plays the poster guy in AVPS, Does both scarfy and the sorting hat, played Robin, I don't remember his characters name in Starship, but I only remember like, one name from starship, and it was Joey's. It was Bug. Easy to remember because he was a bug. So it made sense...anyway, I got to put Nick in. He won't have a huge role, just kinda...there. So...yes....
The always lovely AJ Holmes could do Dylan...
He plays Gilderoy in AVPSY and Joey's heart in MAMD. He has a cameo in Starship, in the beginning, but other than that I can't think of anything...if he was in HMB, I'm sorry, baby, but I don't remember right now....
-Meg Giry
On a starkid phase right now....
(I should really be asleep, but Naruto is addicting)
Well... Just.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! I'm just...emotionally unstable at the moment... *sniff*..... THEY CAN'T DO THAT!!!
Okay... So there's this boy on Naruto (the show. Not the person. That would be awkward.). His name's Haku. Well. At first, he's just working with the bad guy, Zabuza, and fighting Naruto and everyone. Then they show his backstory and I start crying. And then...well, he's fighting Naruto and admits defeat and tells him to kill him... But then Zabuza is fighting Kakashi and gets into some trouble... So Haku goes to protect Zabuza...and he jumps right in front of him as Kakashi is attacking and... FUCK IM CRYING. Yeah. Haku...dies. Which, you know...happens... But then Zabuza!!! Zabuza shows no remorse whatsoever!!! Haku has pretty much been like his child and he doesn't even care that it's his fault that Haku's dead!! That just pisses me off!!!!! Kakashi cared more about Haku! He felt bad about killing him!! Naruto wasn't happy either. And Sakura doesn't have an opinion because she's stupid, and was too worried about Sasuke. And Sasuke doesn't have an opinion because he's dead. Kind of. I know he obviously comes back, and Haku probably does too, so I shouldn't be freaking out, but...ZABUZA CAN GET BUTT RAPED BY THE NINE TAILED FOX FOR ALL I CARE.
Hah. And I'm only on episode 19. There are many more Naruto-related freak-outs to come...
Well... Just.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! I'm just...emotionally unstable at the moment... *sniff*..... THEY CAN'T DO THAT!!!
Okay... So there's this boy on Naruto (the show. Not the person. That would be awkward.). His name's Haku. Well. At first, he's just working with the bad guy, Zabuza, and fighting Naruto and everyone. Then they show his backstory and I start crying. And then...well, he's fighting Naruto and admits defeat and tells him to kill him... But then Zabuza is fighting Kakashi and gets into some trouble... So Haku goes to protect Zabuza...and he jumps right in front of him as Kakashi is attacking and... FUCK IM CRYING. Yeah. Haku...dies. Which, you know...happens... But then Zabuza!!! Zabuza shows no remorse whatsoever!!! Haku has pretty much been like his child and he doesn't even care that it's his fault that Haku's dead!! That just pisses me off!!!!! Kakashi cared more about Haku! He felt bad about killing him!! Naruto wasn't happy either. And Sakura doesn't have an opinion because she's stupid, and was too worried about Sasuke. And Sasuke doesn't have an opinion because he's dead. Kind of. I know he obviously comes back, and Haku probably does too, so I shouldn't be freaking out, but...ZABUZA CAN GET BUTT RAPED BY THE NINE TAILED FOX FOR ALL I CARE.
Hah. And I'm only on episode 19. There are many more Naruto-related freak-outs to come...
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
My mom..
We were watching the new Criminal Minds and my mom said that if Spencer had said to the unsub, that nobody cared and that he should do it and things may have gone down differently.-Nessa
I'm having fun...
Pic 1 I love. Ed holding the Death Note, Luffy trying to eat a dragon ball. And silly Naruto thinks he can translate dattebayo to English. It has no meaning. That's not very possible.
Pic 2. Nope. Not photoshopped.
Pic 3... If Ryuk had given the Death Note to... Oh gosh...
Pic 1 I love. Ed holding the Death Note, Luffy trying to eat a dragon ball. And silly Naruto thinks he can translate dattebayo to English. It has no meaning. That's not very possible.
Pic 2. Nope. Not photoshopped.
Pic 3... If Ryuk had given the Death Note to... Oh gosh...
We had our first school shows today :) 'twas excellent.
Anybodys kind of messed up her Ursula part, which screwed me up a little, but it was still fine.
And Jetsam started talking before the lights were up and before Ursula was even hooked up to fly. So we had to improv.... Everyone said we handled it wonderfully. Except for Josh. (Not the Jewish one, dear viewers. The mean man that runs the place we perform at.)
Other than that it was fine.
When the kids left, I creeped some out by being all Flotsam-y. I made one girl cry... I feel kind of...proud of myself....but also terrible.... And I just talked to a lot of the kids in my Flotsam voice. It was great.
Anybodys kind of messed up her Ursula part, which screwed me up a little, but it was still fine.
And Jetsam started talking before the lights were up and before Ursula was even hooked up to fly. So we had to improv.... Everyone said we handled it wonderfully. Except for Josh. (Not the Jewish one, dear viewers. The mean man that runs the place we perform at.)
Other than that it was fine.
When the kids left, I creeped some out by being all Flotsam-y. I made one girl cry... I feel kind of...proud of myself....but also terrible.... And I just talked to a lot of the kids in my Flotsam voice. It was great.
Still Can't
I'd like to inform Meg, based on her comment on one of my posts, that I apparently still cannot draw crotches.
Or so claims Crazy Redhead.
She saw some of my WWTC drawings (I believe it was Clint) and noted how it looked like he had a boner. I was just like "... Ummmm no. Those are just wrinkles in his pants (And he's ten...)"
But she stands by her conclusion that I still cannot draw crotches.
And she likes to command me to... Well... Okay, that shirtless pic of Travis... She likes pointing out that I didn't draw nipples (I hate that word).(and she's not the only one who's noticed I didn't draw them. Mrs. Paroo did too). I'd like to point out that it's not uncommon to leave them out of manga drawings (even on women. Don't ask how I know...), because it's awkward. Actually, pretty much the only anime guy I've seen that has them is Alois, which I was surprised by. So, yeah. TRAVIS CAN HAVE WHATEVER HE WANTS ON HIS CHEST.
It's not that bad right???
Or so claims Crazy Redhead.
She saw some of my WWTC drawings (I believe it was Clint) and noted how it looked like he had a boner. I was just like "... Ummmm no. Those are just wrinkles in his pants (And he's ten...)"
But she stands by her conclusion that I still cannot draw crotches.
And she likes to command me to... Well... Okay, that shirtless pic of Travis... She likes pointing out that I didn't draw nipples (I hate that word).(and she's not the only one who's noticed I didn't draw them. Mrs. Paroo did too). I'd like to point out that it's not uncommon to leave them out of manga drawings (even on women. Don't ask how I know...), because it's awkward. Actually, pretty much the only anime guy I've seen that has them is Alois, which I was surprised by. So, yeah. TRAVIS CAN HAVE WHATEVER HE WANTS ON HIS CHEST.
It's not that bad right???
I read some of WWTC again. It's freakin addicting... I would specify the part I read, but that would be spoilers for our little Crys, whom may or may not read it~~
But, Meg, it''s the part that makes us terrible people. We're just...terrible...
Yeah. I was reading as I was waiting for a guy to make me a skirt. Eeyup. No, I'm not kidding. For my Flotsam costume, there's this one guy making pretty much everything (LAST MINUTE, BECAUSE THE LADY WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE THEM SLACKED OFF) and its amazing. And his boyfriend is doing my make up. He's so fun... Be jealous, Meg. I get to hang around the gay guys. And then talk about our fun adventures to my homophobic mother. Good times...
Anyway, back on subject, the WWTC manga shall be in progress soon. Meg and I need to plan some things out, and I need to get some pens from eBay (otherwise Kain will be white), and I still need to practice drawing. I drew quite a bit at school, and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm getting the hang of drawing everyone (except Sarah and Kain. I have not worked on them, like, at all.)
My favorite picture is of chibi Travis. Like a sir.
As for the last two pictures... 1) I wanted to see what Travis would look like with a pony tail. 2) I wanted to see what Clint would look like with glasses (yeah... I haven't worked on him much either. Screw! I haven't even designed a ton of people... Ugh... This is gonna suuuuuck)
But, Meg, it''s the part that makes us terrible people. We're just...terrible...
Yeah. I was reading as I was waiting for a guy to make me a skirt. Eeyup. No, I'm not kidding. For my Flotsam costume, there's this one guy making pretty much everything (LAST MINUTE, BECAUSE THE LADY WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE THEM SLACKED OFF) and its amazing. And his boyfriend is doing my make up. He's so fun... Be jealous, Meg. I get to hang around the gay guys. And then talk about our fun adventures to my homophobic mother. Good times...
Anyway, back on subject, the WWTC manga shall be in progress soon. Meg and I need to plan some things out, and I need to get some pens from eBay (otherwise Kain will be white), and I still need to practice drawing. I drew quite a bit at school, and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm getting the hang of drawing everyone (except Sarah and Kain. I have not worked on them, like, at all.)
My favorite picture is of chibi Travis. Like a sir.
As for the last two pictures... 1) I wanted to see what Travis would look like with a pony tail. 2) I wanted to see what Clint would look like with glasses (yeah... I haven't worked on him much either. Screw! I haven't even designed a ton of people... Ugh... This is gonna suuuuuck)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
More Kuroshitsuji Pictures
I found out the girl I've been looking at on Deviantart is the girl who does all the cat-nip tequila and the one with the demon babies and the ones that are her style of art -_- I love her....
Anyway, more art from her.
Anyway, more art from her.
What everyone was thinking when season two started.
Mr. Meow is lovely. The hooker boots...and the last sentence....
If Vincent had hired Sebastian.
This is the girls take on the live action movie. It's a hundred years later, somehow Finny survived, Grell got the sex change, Sebastian likes George Clooney movies, and Ciel is no longer allergic to cats.
Sebastian and Ciel
Ciel wearing Gloria's dress....
Love this...little Luca. My mom was singing a song called 'My Name is Luca' in the car yesterday.
Mom:What's wrong with your eyes
Just...just yes...
And finally a picture for my man Bard...she said it was funny 'cause he likes blowing up stuff...
There were so many comments on this picture that were like,"Yay!! He's dead!!" Okay, I really didn't like Alois:Ask Demy. The kids a little shit. (Happy, kid? I used your favorite word) but I wasn't happy when he died. I felt bad for him, but that doesn't mean I like him. I don't think he's a slut either....
I don't think this is SebCiel either...I think it's Sebastian playing with his food. But my feels are warm T_T
I. LOVE. THIS. Those of you who read the manga understand.
Ronald...sweetie...too much information...
This one is my favorite. My absolute favorite. A commenter pointed out Vincent's lack of pants.
And I love it.
She made this after the end of the first season, before they announced season two. The bootsssss
Whores: no one wants them.
No words....but Sebby rocks with the knife action.
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