Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to get started on this. But sadly, there's a lot of work to be done before we can even think about putting this into action...
1. We need to make a proper script. I can't just go off the story, sadly. It just doesn't really work like that.
2. I need to perfect character designs. I'm still not even sure about Clint's hair...
3. I need to perfect, y'know, actually being able to draw -_-
4. I have to get pens. Those are necessary.
5. I HAVE TO DRAW KAIN'S TATTOO AND AL'S ARMOR, AND ED'S AUTOMAIL. FUCK. So, yeah. Need to practice on that... And plus, I need to figure out what everyone wears. Clothing is essential. (Psh, no it's not :P)
6. PROPORTION PRACTICE. Everyone always ends up a totally different size.
7. Need to make a list of things I absolutely cannot forget to draw when drawing certain characters, ie. Ed and Winry's wedding rings, Kain's tattoo (I know I'll forget it at some point).

Yup. Lots of things... And plus, I need to explain quite a few things about manga to Meg. Lots.
Yes. That is a real thing. I've checked it out before.

Sigh... This will be a lot of work, and will probably look crappy, but still...THIS WILL BE AMAZING.

-Sarah--... I mean Demy.

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