Monday, April 1, 2013


I just watched FMA... Ed throwing English... It's so hot... Not gonna lie...
Dude, this episode made me a lot... I'm not sure why... But it was just...sad.

I GOT MY PENNNSSS!!! (You thought that said penis, didn't you) My grey pen is difficult to use... It's actually a bit darker than expected, so when I color in Kain, he legit looks black. Not that I'm racist, but...
Everything else looks awersome though.
And I also got a posable figure man thing. I named him Frankie. I think he might be gay... Maybe. (It'll work for Theo just fine :D)
But at least the manga is rolling. We're getting stuff done, and as soon as I get some paper, we'll be right on track. Some decent white-out wouldn't hurt either... I screw up a lot...
Character designs are going well... Sort of... I have Travis down, and Kain is being perfected. Maes is looking good, Clint's hair needs work. And the two freaking main characters...well, I've drawn them pretty much the least. Cuz I'm a genius.

FUUUUUU. I just remembered that I'll probably have a test on the first ten chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird tomorrow... And I've only read like ten pages... TIME FOR SPARKNOTE!!!!
I'm gonna fail...

Oh. So I started watching Les Mis with my dad today. Well, it was going pretty well... And then the guy started undressing Fantine and like raping her... Then my father got very angry and worked up for a little while. Then he calmed down a bit... Then we got to Master of the House and... Yeah... He was pretty much just like, "Demy, this is some freaking weird crap." And that was even before Santa. Then there was Santa and I was just like "I'm not looking *covers eyes*..." But my step mom said "You've seen it like four times!"
But we eventually it past that and I swore there was nothing else like that for the rest of the movie. He grudgingly agreed to keep watching, and he ended up kind of liking it. We haven't finished it though. Just act 1. But as soon as Eponine came on screen...
Dad- Dang... She's hot AND dirty!
Me- O_e (...what the actual f*ck)

And my step mom was like sitting right on his lap as we watched the movie. I'm not sure she was at that point, but that was probably why she got on his lap.
But my father redeemed himself. He thinks Cosette is whiny and annoying. :3

Let's see... I don't think there's anything else to say...
Good bye.
Happy post-Easter.
The Lord bless thee.
Peace off.


Here's Frankie
He's special

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