Monday, May 13, 2013


So...I got onto Doll Divine...I'll make one of Maes, I said, then I'll move on, I said.


Alright. Maes from the first WWTC. She doesn't really wear low-cut stuff anymore, it's too girly. She also stole Theo boots. And if he's anything like his father, he probably has athlete's foot. Just sayin'.

Pretty close to the disguise she wears through Central in the original WWTC. Minus suspenders.

Yes, she is wearing a slutty version of her father-in-law's outfit. And yes, her braid is partially growing from her face.

No idea what this outfit is.
But I fucking love it.
I imagine Roy had Maes come out for some big public appearance of some sort...Of course she gothed it up with the hat. Duh. AMESTRIS COLORS...DO NOT LOOK GOOD ON HER.

How I imagine Maes dressing during the summer she spent with Theo...well...she probably wasn't wearing much of anything that summer...'cept maybe a condom....

Same outfit, with Theo's jacket. It's not really what his jacket looks like, but whatevs....

The outfit Maes wore while teaching Theo how to swim. He wasn't really paying attention....
So, yes, I am officially on a Maes kick because Theo is being sexually angsty. So, yeah. Thanks, life.

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