Friday, October 26, 2012


Meg twirled around the BAU, a small Harry Potter ('Arry Pott-air, as young Meg once read).
"Whoa," Meg looked up in time to see her mother in front of her, holding up her hands. Emily Prentiss stopped her recently adopted daughter in mid-turn, placing her hands on her hips. Meg smiled shyly.
"...Sorry, Mama," she said.
"Be careful," she warned.
"How was you are flight?" asked the little French girl, her English not quite perfect yet.
"Your flight. You're, the contraction, is you are. You would not say,"How is you are flight". That is wrong."
"Oh," said the blonde girl simply, staring at the carpet, cheeks turning flame red at her ignorance. It made her feel like a child, this learning a new language. New culture to adapt to.
Meg wailed as two thick arms found themselves around her waist, lifting her into the air.
"Hey, babe!!"Morgan screamed with a laugh, finally setting the dancer on the ground.
Meg turned on him, eyes big and fierce.
"Derek Morgan! Comment osez-vous! Je ne suis pas une marionnette peu stupide, vous pouvez jeter autour! J'ai dignité et de fierté, et je refuse de te laisser me traiter comme une fille de l'école ignorants!"
"Huh?" he asked. Meg slapped her forehead.
Penelope volunteered to translate. "She said,"Derek Morgan! How dare you! I'm not some stupid little puppet you can throw around!! I have dignity and pride and I refuse to let you treat me as some ignorant school girl!!""
Meg straightened her tulle, pure white skirt, patting it down. She also ran her hands over the blue satin bow in her hair, and the identical one around her waist, over her petticoat.
"What's going on?"
Meg's head shot up, her eyes glowing and smile broadening.
"Spencer!!" she cried, bounding toward him. "Spencer! Spencer!"
She landed over to him, her long pale arms wound around his neck.
"Whoa. Hey, Meg."
"Spencer! I'm just a chapter or two away from finishing my book!"
He checked the title. "You've read this one twice."
She sighed. "But it's one of my favorites!" She twirled to show her naivety.
"Alright. What are you going to read next?"
"...I was hoping you'd let me try a Jane Austen book."
Spencer sighed. "Meg, your English isn't good enough yet..."
"Please?" she pouted. "I've read them in French...My reading level is really high, Spencer! I'm reduced to reading children's literature! You must let me try."
"You'll fail."
"Well, try, fail, try again, fail better."
He stared at her.
"Samuel Beckett," she said, clarifying the quote. Reid nodded.
"Yeah...yeah, I know..."

I'm sorry for the sad ending. :(. I just love writing about young Meg and Reid. (She's 14 in this, BTW)

I'll either add this to my 'ignorant bliss' or 'as long as you're mine' on fanfiction.


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